Way too geeked about this game

By MechaBri.Zilla, in Warhammer: Diskwars

So we are about 2 weeks in, and I'm following this game like a maniac. I absolutely can't wait for them to announce the first expansion, but I'm guessing that won't happen until summer...

Anyway, besides the rules questions, what does everyone think so far? Strengths? Weaknesses? Any interesting battles so far?

I'm completely obsessed with the game myself. At least in my games, I've had a really hard time winning with the Empire, they feel like they're going to be an activation/movement shennanigans faction, but I don't quite have them working yet, and they're lacking in the big stompy unit area (no dragon, troll, etc.).

On the flip side, I tried a tricksy Chaos deck (I really wanted to pull off a bloodthirster summoning onto a bunch of units), but I was dumb and chose the Charge scenario...against the Orcs. It did not go well for me, so I think I tried to play them trickier than necessary and should have gone more stompy.

It seems really well balanced overall, and the command cards in particular seem really important for mind games and who goes when.

I couldn't be happier about this game's existence. I decided not too long ago that I couldn't keep up with the costs of Warhammer Fantasy and this has filled the wargaming void in my life. I just hope that the game does well enough to justify lots and lots of expansions.

Edited by Murnaz

quote quote quote...i see no true weakness in this game, i feel it eventi balanced! tough empire alone si not so crushing, its vwry good at supporting an High elf regiment

Same boat here. Obsessed.

I couldn't be happier about this game's existence. I decided not too long ago that I couldn't keep up with the costs of Warhammer Fantasy and this has filled the wargaming void in my life. I just hope that the game does well enough to justify lots and lots of expansions.

I think that's what makes me happiest about this game. It's too hard for me to keep up with Warhammer at this point in my life, but I love miniatures games. I really hope they give a good treatment of all factions in the Warhammer universe. Although at this point they've already rolled Chaos Warrior and Deamons together, so my guess is they won't get to every faction.

I feel that they will at least get all of the core races out of the way. I suspect dwarves, dark elves and perhaps undead will be towards the top of their list. Although I'm seriously hoping for lizardmen and tomb kings.

As far as chaos, I think it makes more sense to have the warriors and demons together. That is how they originally were in the minis game. The reason they split it is because the rules didn't allow for an all demon army. I always thought it made more sense having them mixed because them ding dang dirty mortals would think they were in control :-P

Personally, I can't wait for Vampire Counts. The army has a lot of variation while still retaining a core thematic/ mechanic. Between Master Necromancers, Wight Lords, and Vampires of each bloodline, it'd be very easy to have a number of different play styles with a single army.

Although I'd actually be surprised if Dark Elves/ Dwarves weren't the next expansion, though.

As much as I dislike the Order/ Destruction seperation, I understand it in regards to game balance. There's also nothing stopping a non-competitive, "fluff" oriented group from breaking these barriers anyways. Some interesting (and likely incredibly broken) armies can be made this way.

I'm just in the process of trying to convince my friends to play this game, haha.

I can't imagine it'll be hard to convince them. Do you like fun? Do you like fantasy? Do you like violence? Okay, we've got the game for you. :-)

When it was announced until today it was clear that I wouldn't buy the game. The Disk stuff was looking ridiculous for a minis lover like me. I read about the game a bit and didn't quite understood the fun in flipping disks around, landing on others and attacking with cardboard circles...My biggest fear is tha it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. Not really the same gameplay mechanics but it's 2D disks that attacks other 2D disks. MB was a total and complete let down for me and I sold the game immediately and never looked back.

I fear DW will be the same...

But then I read reviews, looked at session pics...and I want this game so bad.

I still fear it'll lend flat but the overall look of the game is stronger than my will...

When it was announced until today it was clear that I wouldn't buy the game. The Disk stuff was looking ridiculous for a minis lover like me. I read about the game a bit and didn't quite understood the fun in flipping disks around, landing on others and attacking with cardboard circles..

I felt the same way, my exact quote was "Warhammer is back...in pog form!" (thank you old school simpsons) but then I started looking at it. I used to play 40k and WHFB and now I play Warmachine all the time. This game is the perfect game for scratching the miniatures itch without dropping a ton of cash or needing to paint, not to mention a 2 regiment game takes about an hour. Also you get an excuse to use all the units that are either A. too expensive for people to afford B. Too difficult to fit into a list. I mean how often do you get to see a Sun dragon and a Blood thirster duke it out? It is a really fun game and I am no win the process of getting all my miniature game friends into the game.

I've got a few games under my belt now, and I can say without reservation that this is a great game. It has everything I love about mini's without the things that I no longer have time for... Assembling, painting, playing a 3 hour game, and at a fraction of the cost!!!

It does lack the beautiful look and feel of a game of warhammer with fully painted minis and beautiful terrain, and I will always want to go back to that when I have the time. But let's be honest, when's the last time you got to play on a beautiful table with fully painted mini's?

This game allows me to set up and play a full game within an hour in most cases and it combines my favorite parts of a mini's game and a collectible/living card game. The movement and combat are simple and elegant, easy to learn but hard to master. I can't say enough about this game.

I'm really glad to hear that more people are getting past their 'pog' first impressions and giving it a try.

I keep reading positive comments, LOTS of positive comments about this game...but I fear that it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. I had the same feeling, comments were great about the game but it fell horribly flat.

I'm gonna take my time before buying but it looks like fun.

I keep reading positive comments, LOTS of positive comments about this game...but I fear that it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. I had the same feeling, comments were great about the game but it fell horribly flat.

I'm gonna take my time before buying but it looks like fun.

I haven't played mythic battles, so I can't really give you a comparison on the two. Of course the best thing you could do is try to find someone with Diskwars and try their copy. Obviously, that might not be possible, but it's worth a try. If they carry the game at your FLGS, you might have some luck.

In the meantime, if you have any specific questions about this game, I'm sure people here, myself included, would be happy to explain any part of the game. Also, the rules are here: http://fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/diskwars/support/WHD-core-rules.pdf

I keep reading positive comments, LOTS of positive comments about this game...but I fear that it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. I had the same feeling, comments were great about the game but it fell horribly flat.

I'm gonna take my time before buying but it looks like fun.

not to familiar with Mythic Battles, what is the problem with it?

I keep reading positive comments, LOTS of positive comments about this game...but I fear that it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. I had the same feeling, comments were great about the game but it fell horribly flat.

I'm gonna take my time before buying but it looks like fun.

not to familiar with Mythic Battles, what is the problem with it?

Not really a problem just that it was not as good as I thought it would be after reading overly positive comments about it, getting psyched and took the plunge.

Mythic Battles, if I explain it quickly, is taking a miniatures game approach (grid board, terrain, movement restrictions, different units, powers, factions, etc) but replace the minis with round tokens. The game look good enough, have a nice set of well written rules and some options for army building.

But the gameplay was so boring for us, maybe it's the tokens, maybe it's the overly simplified rules and lack of real strategy and tactic options...I really don't know. What I know though is that the game was praised by many miniatures game players and the general community was just psyched about how good it was.

Same thing is happening with Diskwars. Game look amazing when I read you guys. The theme is one of my favorite. It have a lot of good stuff from minis games without the money burning effect. It is a FFG game which is one of my favorite game company (over 75% of my games are FFG/Edge games).

But I still have this Mythic Battles shadow over my head that keep my away AND pulling me towards the game...

Here's Mythic Battles in all it's "glory"


Edited by SolennelBern

I keep reading positive comments, LOTS of positive comments about this game...but I fear that it's gonna be Mythic Battles all over again. I had the same feeling, comments were great about the game but it fell horribly flat.

I'm gonna take my time before buying but it looks like fun.

not to familiar with Mythic Battles, what is the problem with it?

Not really a problem just that it was not as good as I thought it would be after reading overly positive comments about it, getting psyched and took the plunge.

Mythic Battles, if I explain it quickly, is taking a miniatures game approach (grid board, terrain, movement restrictions, different units, powers, factions, etc) but replace the minis with round tokens. The game look good enough, have a nice set of well written rules and some options for army building.

But the gameplay was so boring for us, maybe it's the tokens, maybe it's the overly simplified rules and lack of real strategy and tactic options...I really don't know. What I know though is that the game was praised by many miniatures game players and the general community was just psyched about how good it was.

Same thing is happening with Diskwars. Game look amazing when I read you guys. The theme is one of my favorite. It have a lot of good stuff from minis games without the money burning effect. It is a FFG game which is one of my favorite game company (over 75% of my games are FFG/Edge games).

But I still have this Mythic Battles shadow over my head that keep my away AND pulling me towards the game

You could check on BoardGameGeek.com they have some videos up with gameplay demos, maybe that would help you to see what this game is about.

It's so hard for me to tell you one way or the other if you'd like it or not. It is a great game, but there is a lot of personal preference in these things. I do feel like this game has quite a bit of strategy and tactical options. One thing that is different about this game from WFB is that a lot of the randomness has been removed. You can see from the disks themselves, who will beat whom in combat. Card effects can change the statlines and upset an engagement. Ranged attacks have a random element (dice roll) as well. But almost everything else in the game is based on what you can readily see on the table. As for the card effects, a player only has 4 cards in hand for most games so even though you don't know when they will come up, you will know after the first round what they are.

I have found the biggest game changer is how smart you are with the command cards. I had a game the other day where my opponent thought she had me on the ropes but I played a steady card which played before her devious card and I was able to kill the magic casting disk that she was banking on wiping out a unit of mine that was going to wipe out a very important unit of hers. It made for a very loud cuss emanating from our office.

Also, battlelore was purchased by a friend the same time I got Diskwars and Battlelore seems to be falling by the wayside because Diskwars is consuming our time.