We have managed to obtain a Game night kit (Season 3) and plan to hold a friendly tournament on 07/02/14. So bring along your whacky decks for an enjoyable evening.
We plan to get some pictures of the event and winners and post them on here.
Scythe and Teacup Gamer Cafe
61a Kempston Street,
L3 8HE
Start Time: 7pm (venue closes at 11pm)
Entry Fee: Its Free!
Format: Standard Constructed (We intend on running the official FAQ 2.2 on the FFG Website)
Prize: Top finish player will receive a Warhammer Invasion official Playmat and 2 different promo cards (Lizardmen and Dark Elf)
The rest of the promo cards will be shared out to all participating in the event (we have 19 or so promo cards to give away).
Contact: Stephen on 19.kosar@googlemail.com
I look forward to hopefully seeing some new faces