My buddy asked a question on this card and being as some cards are worded being geared towards multiplayer I was wondering on this card. It says when he enters to destroy all support and development cards in each players corresponding areas. The way I interpret this is when he comes into play, say in my kingdom zone, I destroy all support and development cards in my kingdom as well as every other persons kingdom. Or does it mean not me but everyone else referring to multiplayer. Thanks guys
Grimgor Ironhide
Everyone, yours included.
That's what I thought. My buddy is hating the orcs and that card cause it cost a lot to play but it takes away from him as well as opponent. That was his first game, I was on dwarves, and now he just don't think he likes told him I'd switch and play orcs. I think there is strategy if someone is overloaded in a zone that is hurting your chances a lot to play ironhide and do away with those pesky ones giving you trouble even if you have to get rid of a couple yourself.
Edited by la1cajun
BTW there is
Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions
section on this forum
Oh yeah, thanks Virgo