Questions from a concerned Italian player

By blackpix, in The Chronos Protocol Tour


I want to address some questions about organized play in Countries (Italy in this case) where the player base is smaller than other realities such as U.S.A. or France/Germany.

The italian editor "Giochi uniti" realesed the Core set a couple of months ago, and no other expansion are available in our language, so the actual fanbase is trying to keep up by buying the english versions of the Data Packs/Deluxe Expansion.

New players (expecially those that are not familiar with the English language) are not encouraged to play competitively, thus the local tournaments gather a range from 10 to 20 players max.

We are told that FFG will not support official events if the player base at the tournament is less than 32 people, and this fact is really spirit breaking for a group of people who is struggling just to have the game in their own language.

Is this true? Is there a real motivation to cut out a whole country just because the numbers are not amazing?

Will there be a Chronos Protocol date in Italy?

I still think that FFG cares about theis customers even if the competitive player base is smaller than what they expect.


Judging from my own experience with how things work, there won't be that many tournaments from the Chronos Protocol Tour across Europe, as most countries don't have enough players to support it.

I'm from Bulgaria and - for example - we have about 15 regular players and about 10-15 players that occasionally join our club tournaments. Back in September or October 2013 we decided to organize much bigger and highly prized (with cash prizes) international tournament in April 2014 - we didn't knew it will be by the time the Chronos Protocol hits Europe, but we wanted to do something for the players around us - those from Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, etc. Now that we know that we will get our hands on a CPT kit (not "when" though), we decided to merge the events and we will be able to host a Chronos Protocol Tour. You can check the OP section for more informfation.

I thing the problem expands on the Store Championship Kits as well, as these tournaments have to happen by the end of March, but the kits haven't been shipped yet.

All in all the OP in Europe is shaky, as are the communities here. The situation in France, UK, Germany and Spain it is entirely different story, but then I have no observations to share for their local player bases.