- The listed encounter points for a combat servitor are 4, though after tonight's game I feel this does not reflect how dangerous they are. They have a total of 10 damage reduction on all body locations, have an implanted chainaxe (1d10+11 Tearing damage with 2 Pen) and respectable weapon skill, and are armed with a heavy stubber for ranged attacks. They also ignore darkness and gain all the immunities provided by the Machine trait. Four Acolytes of ~2500xp (Chirurgeon, Assassin, Warrior, and Mystic -- not slouches in combat) fought three of them and two servitor drones; according to Encounter Points this should be an easy fight. Two characters ended the fight in Critical damage while a third had only five Wounds remaining. I suggest raising the EP of Combat Servitors to reflect their deadliness.
- We came upon a really confusing rules interaction between the Delay action and Pinning. Pinning lets the character test WP "when their turn ends" to remove the Pinned condition, and when the Delay action is used it causes the character's turn to immediately end. RAW, this would let a Pinned character use their single Half Action to Delay and pass their WP test to un-pin, then soon afterwards take their Delayed Half Action and not count as being Pinned. This should be explained more clearly in the rules; during the game session I ruled that the player would only become Unpinned after their Delayed action was resolved, but the actual wording of the rules suggests that Delay can be exploited to remove Pinning before taking an action.
- We tested out a proposed change to Accurate weapons from the forums: a player could only gain bonus dice from extra DoS if they took a Full Action to aim before firing. I felt that the Accurate weapons performed very well despite this limitation, though the servitors faced in this encounter were admittedly very vulnerable to high-damage, single shot weapons. More testing is required before I can give a definite impression on this change.
- We had one particularly hilarious moment where a servitor's gun jammed three turns in a row. Because of the backpack ammo supply rules, the ammo feed mulched through dozens upon dozens of bullets to no effect as its gun jammed repeatedly. Not much to say here other than to highlight how dangerous the combat servitors are -- they managed to maul most of the party even though one of them did literally nothing but eject jammed cartridges for three whole rounds.