Who is your favorite Avatar and why?

By LostSailor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm still a little indecisive about which avatar to roll for our next campaign. Who do you guys like and why?

I actually really like the Titan. Simple brute force guy, and he's so close to Tamalir, easy to try for a rush-win.


Probably the Sorcerer King. The Snipers upgrade for Skeletons is insanely awesome. His starting location could be better, but if you send one of the Lts along the secret trails through the mountains he's safe from the Heroes for a long time and pops out on top of Vyenvale. Getting that extra starting threat is great as well.

Admittedly, I've only played the one, but I really liked beastman lord. Beastmen are a common monster/spawn and getting upgraded humanoids where you can eventually stack up to command 9 is just ridiculous. There's no substitute for +damage...especially when you factor in the +range. I am also a big fan of the spawns and cheap monster treachery plus the fact that your limits in spawning makes having good spawn cards like lone troll, elite beastmen, etc. (with humanoids upgraded, that mother medusa card goes really well with a rage..and is like your only ranged humanoid) that much more important. And you can spawn more if you have the threat for it. Humanoids may be slow and largely melee, but as a result they hit harder and generally have more health and armor than their eldritch or even beast counterparts. The fact that you can have 5 total lieutenants is pretty sweet, too...especially since one of them is soaring and has pierce 10/poison.

Sorceror king seems like another strong candidate for me. Since skeleys and sorcerors are SO common in dungeons and as dungeon leaders, getting your eldritch upgraded (and further having skeley and sorceror specific upgrades...) seems very potent. And a lieutenant that never really dies is pretty handy, plus all that extra threat you get in dungeons.

I like the demon prince because his Lt. has soaring demons. Throw a dark servant in and you can upgrade to a master demon and reinforce your regular one...that sounds really nasty.

Really, they all seem pretty good. I think I'm still gonna go with the BML, but I don't think you can go wrong.

One of the Sorcerer King upgrades, the one that gives all Sorcerers Blast 1, is now a lot better since it was FAQ'd to be optional.

So far the only experience I have is of Sorcerer King. I chose him, as I though that he'd give the most boost to dungeons, in which we'll be spending the majority of time anyway. So, not so much which Avatar is best regarding the final victory, but which is most usefull for the 90% of the estimated 100 hours of play.

We have now played three 8 hour RtL sessions, and I have been happy with the Avatar selection. The heros are a really tough bunch, with a hard Taunt -hero, and a good party all in all, but the game is even and exciting and entertaining. Must say that the Sniper update isn't so good when the heros have Taunt on a tank.

I have only played with the great wyrm up to now, but I find him entertaining since I am a major dragon fan.

Butto me the sorcerer king seems really powerful, both the avatar, abilities, creature upgrades. Just all round very good. And even the avatar fight looks interesting though I have never done one. Next campaign I am going to use him.