Hello guyz,
Yes, it is early to talk about it, but necessary regarding the topic.
It is very sure that there will be a companion-like supplement a few months after the core book will be release (something like the Inquisitors handbook, Into the storm, Hammer of the emperor etc...). Work on it will therefore start quite soon.
Wouldnt it make sense to make a short beta for such a supplement too ?
I am not talking about making a beta for every future supplement (that would be mad), but I think a very rule-heavy companion-book might make sense, even if it would only be a "closed" beta with a few users from the community.
This could avoid imbalances and mistakes to a certain degree.
What do you think ?
Also, maybe a wishlist of the players could make sense to give input in time for the developers, what players would love to see.
Edited by GauntZero