This is mine (Crazy elf) and theos trades. Whole lot is block 3
To contact for trading post on the tread and e-mail me at-
[email protected]
Theo's wants
4x King of fighters 2006
4x Darkness Blade
Crazy elfs wants
1x Wind storm
3x Through the defenses
4x Seal of cessation
2x Defender
3x Amy's assistance
1x Unstoppable warrior
1x Execution Technique Third Rite
General wants
4x Blood Runs True
Xx Midnight Laucher (don't know how many yet cause me and theo are both planning on using it in probably multiple decks so any offers with them involved will be brilliant)
3x Knight breaker
3x Shreading vibrato
1x unopened shadaloo playmat
At the moment we have about all the promo characters (go theo for winning a promo incremental set) so if any characters at all are need ask and we will have a look.
2xEnkidu the valiant
5x Final confrontation
1x No I in Team
4x Malicious Intent
2x Flames of Fame
1x Deadly Ground
1x Counter the Assault
2x Realm of the Midnight
1x Nefarious Plans
5x Greed's Influence
3x Aurelia's Companionship
3x Li Long's Conditioning
3x Demuths sponsorship
2x Revants Calling
8x Searching for a real challenge
4x Hwang's Protection
5x luna's Encouagement
1x of each seal except SoC
3x Egyptian Temple
4x Lost Catedral ruin
2x Lotus gardian
7x Romanian Valley
7x Lynette's shop
10x Haulin's shop
8x Valera's shop
4x Olcadans mentoring
1x Fantasy shop, comics and games
5x Pigeon Games
1x Kings games
2x Head trauma
2x Broken Leg
2x Broken Arm
2x Internal Breeding
4x Blazing soul battery
1x Blinding speed
9x Forceful resolution
7x price of foolishness
5x Flurry of thrusts
8x Feral sheild rush
5x Arm's length
8x Level Bar
3x Treasure hunt
4x Mark of the wolf (1 in a trade)
2x Tae kwon do strike
8x Punish the weak
4x Shadow strike
4x Death cross dancing
5x Igyo renshin no jitsu
1x Your mind is know to me
1x Special ops
2x inatinctual Rivalry
5x penance
6x Caught in the moment
1x Ulterior motives
2x taking in students
1x Reckless and impulsive
1x Military discipline
1x Collecting data
4x soul absorbtion
1x backslash
3x Genicide
2x Trolling
6x Traveling man
3x Homerun
2x Yoga Adept
1x High tide
6x clean freak
8x A years diffrence
1x Grappling for glory
4x Always done first
3x Charasmatic
1x Queen's Guard
6x Sacred Temple
8x Decorated for services
3x Guiles comb
4x Masamune
3x ridicule
2x Side harp
3x sworn vengence
1x Good looks
1x Impossible contorstion
5x Family tradition
1x glam
1x looks that kill
2x combat programming
7x praparedness
2x shadowloo crime syndicate
3x Psyco drive
1x Self confidence
3x acursed poweer
9x Jeff's gloves
2x Ancestors spirt
2x anklets
2x Sparing gloves
1x Ancient training Ground
1x Superhuman strength
1x white gi
1x lollypop
1x Mei-lin's ward
1x Ancient battle ground
1x Queen of victory
8x ring of fame
5x School uniform
1x Reanimated
1x Yellow gi
1x Orichalcum
3x Tabazzin
6x the evil-doer destroyer
2x Tressured gift
2x the stars aligned
1x Arrogance
2x Kims dojang
1x The nine commandments
1x Supernatural heritage
1x vampiric aura
3x Yun's cap
6x Father bull
4x the blue dragon
1x A tradition of fighting
3x Kagakiri
3x Punching bag
4x Gift from a friend
2x Orange gi
3x Ayame's scarf
3x Wind storm
1x Imeru Shikite
3x Yuchoka
7x swallow slam
1x spinning backfist
5x demon craddle
5x circuit scrapper
3x Cammy's flying frankenstiener
3x doubl typhoon..
4x mirror fan strike
2x neo deadly rave
2x okami ni noru
4x rera kishima tek
2x broken promise
9x heavenly pheonix dancing stomp
3x mezentius style sand bomb
4x dropping embrace
3x dynimite drop
1x True strike dash..
1x gates of hell
5x double mitwoch
1x death puppet
2x shoryu cannon
2x vermillian moon
1x double summersault kick..
4x Boomarang raid
3x psycho cannon
2x Wild fang
4x sakura's shoryuken
5x Senkyutai
2x summersault skull diver
3x Triger wave
1x Mujin kyaku
3x psycho break smasher
1x Solar flash dance
1x Nagase's unrelenting fire
1x Wicked chew
2x Supreme rising rage flash
3x Freezing execution
1x Juni's spiral arrow
1x Akuma's hadoken
3x SPECIAL MISSION: swing tomahawk
1x Kama Harai keri
1x soul spiral
4x cutless europa
2x great gerdiumheim
4x 125 rapids of rage
2x Mega spike ( in a trade)
5x centennipierce slam
2x Midnight pleasure
1x Scarlet terror
4x Hallowed slug of the heavenly conquerer
3x Sickle of sin
2x change immortal
1x machine gun dog
1x yoga flame..
2x rasing storms
Set 12
1x Stand off (the prerelease promo)
2x Dragon lifter
1x Fierce twin slash
2x Immovable object
1x Gianzende nova and frischer himmel
1x zhao Daiyu
4x Nightmare
2x algol
2x the dragon of mt. lao
1x ascending zephyr
4x soul wave
3x no forgiveness!
1x aura of strength
1x determined to be the best
2x bloodied but unbowed
2x the azure knight
1x dead for one thousand years
2x artificial soul
1x flexible body
1x no mercy
2x temporary being
1x atoning for his wicked deeds
1x claws of chian tang
1x monastery of mt. lao
1x armour of the forsaken one
1x ymirfang
1x kunpaetku shrine - dream remnants
1x eiserne drossel
1x tower of remembrace - degredation
1x pseudo-soul calibur
1x soul edge*
1x wolfkrone monument
1x vanlentine*
1x ice coffin of the sleeeping ancient
1x siegfried's earth divide
1x dark geo da ray
1x peaceful path hold
2x howling spirits
3x sirens call
1x crane strike
1x mighty knee strike
1x hammer uppercut
1x Flowing strikes
1x Intolarant of failure
1x scroll of the abyss
1x calming the mind
1x Storm hammer