A Journey to Rhosgobel Question

By Khamul The Easterling, in Rules questions & answers

So while playing AJtR I came upon this situation:

Planning Phase - Placed poisoned stakes in the staging area that had nothing but Rhosgobel.

Questing - Reveal Athelas and add Hummerhorns as the guard for Athelas.

Now does the Hummerhorns go strait to the stakes or does it just act as the guard for athelas? Normally I would say it goes to the stakes but I on the stakes it says "attach any eligible enemy revealed from the encounter deck to poisoned stakes" Is Hummerhorns an eligible enemy when it is a guard? Is a guard considered to be in the staging area or is just the card guarded considered to be in the staging area?



I believe that the Guard and the Guarded card are considered to be in the staging area.

So i'd say Hummerhorns is eligible to be attached by Poisoned stakes...

Yeah, guard enemies are just consider like any other enemies. Can't see why it should be otherwise.