Grimm monsters

By scottshep413, in Grimm RPG

I was wondering where many of the monsters for the book were including those pumpkin monsters on the cover or does Grimm leave many of the villains to be created and therefore gives discretion to the GM? either way this game has me excited and hopefully someone can help me out soon. thank you

I belive the GM is sussposed to make up most of the villians and monsters(And everything, really) by himself, mechanically and storywise. With such a simple system, this is no challange at all.

thats cool I'm kinda used to it I've run everything from l5r to savage worlds and white wolf back in the day so creativity isn't a problem.

Has anyone actually statted out a bunch of monsters? I think it would be cool to get a fan based "Monster Manuel" out there so to speak. Anyone with me?

An interesting idea. Anyone else interested? We can make one easiely.

That sounds like an awesome idea. I'm in.

I've noticed a lot of people comment sadly on the lack of any fansite. To which my answer is: A fansite is a site made by fans. It thus follows that fans must make the site. :P

What scares a lot of people away from Grimm is the small amount of material. One book isn't enough. If the fans made more, the game would definitely benefit.

EDIT: Hey, what do you know! There's an edit option after all! :P

I think we should work in steps. First, we make a thread where we just brainstorm, coming up with monsters, thinking of how they are in the Grimm lands, what soft spots they may have, etc. Next, we open a second thread, in which we actually stat the monsters out. We fine-tune them, making sure the monsters have the right grades and stuff. Finally, we open the library thread, where we compile all the finished monsters in one long series of posts.

Alternatively, instead of the library thread we make a PDF for it. Whatever floats the tub the butcher, baker and candlestick-maker are currently in.

All great ideas and I think that is the point really. If for the fans and the people running it to come up with ways in which to use it. Anyone have snazzy web page abilities to put together a fansite and see if we can get the blessing from FFG to fan support the product?

Im in favor of starting a new thread and Just naming and adding Characters to the list that are evil or sinster.

Yes,a Grimm Character Manual will be great!!!

The brainstorming thread has been created. Or will be in a few minutes. :P