Tomb Kings!

By ClanNatioy, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I was a Tomb King player back when I used to play Warhammer and I would really like to see them in this game. I think they would be a very unique faction for this game. Here are some ideas I had.

Sorry if I misspell stuff or forget the exact names for things. It has been awhile since I played and I know longer have my old army book.

Also any point value I stick on things is just a guess because I've never tested any of it.

Key words:

Undead: disks pinned by this disk suffer -1 to their counter strength (this penalty is not cumulative). This disk is not living.

Protected: This disk can not be the target of a ranged attack if it is within medium range of a friendly infantry disk.

Arrows of the Asp: Scatter counts as a hit. Ignore cover

Plentiful: count this disk as a small disk for purposes of army building

Construct: This disk is not living

Underneath: When you reinforce this disk you may place it any where on the board. If you place it pinning a disk roll a black dice if X then remove this disc as a casualty.

Small Disks:

Tomb Priest:

Movement 4

Attack Str 0

Counter Str 0

Toughness 3

Elite Disk, Caster, Protected, Mobile

Focus Ability: Empower and Move target friendly disk up to its speed

Points: 4

Skeleton Warriors:

Movement 3

Attack Str 3

Counter Str 3

Toughness 3

Infantry, Undead

Points 3-4?

Skeleton Archers:

Movement 3

Attack Str 2

Counter Str 2

Toughness 3

Infantry, Undead, Arrows of the Asp

Ranged Attack: Long, 2 dice, 2 damage per hit

points 5-6?

Tomb Guard:

Movement 3

Attack Str 4

Counter Str 4

Toughness 4

Infantry, Undead

Damage caused by Tomb Guard is Magical Damage

At the start of combat roll a d6 on a 6 increase Attack and counter str by 2

points 7?

Medium Disks:


Movement 4

Attack str 3

Counter str 1

Toughness 4

Stamina 2

Chariots, Undead, Plentiful, Mobile, Arrows of the Asp, Impact 2

For every point of stamina remaining add 1 impact

Ranged attack: Long, 1 dice, 1 damage per hit

Points 8-9?

Tomb Scorpion:

Movement 4

Attack Str 4

Counter Str 3

Toughness 4

Stamina 1

Construct, Underneath

Points 5-6?

Skeleton Cavalry:

Movement 5

Attack Str 3

Counter Str 3

Toughness 4

Cavalry, Undead, Impact 1

Points 5-6?

Large Disks:

Tomb Giant

Movement 3

Attack Str 3

Counter Str 2

Toughness 5

Stamina 1

Elite Disk, Construct

at the start of combat roll a d6 on a 3+ deal 2 damage to either a disk pinning this disk or to a disk pinned by this disk. Repeat this ability until you fail to roll a 3+.

Points 9-11?

Bone Catapult:

Movement 0

Attack Str 0

Counter Str 0

Toughness 3

Stamina 1

Elite Disk, Undead

Ranged attack: Siege, 3 dice, 3 damage

if you roll a hit (even when at siege range) after the attack is resolved you may move the targeted living disk 3 directly towards its deployment zone (if their are multiple zones you chose one).

Points 10-11?

Command cards

Raise Dead



Either raise the toughness of target undead disk by 2 until the end of turn (the effects of this spell last until damage tokens have been removed) or bring a skeleton warriors disk into play with in long of a caster. This disk is removed from play during the end phase.

The King Commands



in addition to activating the two units from this card you may activate a Tomb Priest. Do not put an activation token on the Tomb Priest.

Idea behind The Tomb Kings

Pretty much they're a team that is weak while they're pinned and strong when they're pinning. They also rely heavily on their Tomb Priests. Because they're so slow they really need their priests to get them moving and be able to pin enemy disks. Their disks are also most likely going to be cheaper in points so you should be able to have more disks then your opponent which will allow you to sacrifice some weak cheap disk in order to get your good disks into a position where they will be able to get big damage. They have some pretty good ranged options too and their chariots are pretty versatile except for being junk when they get pinned. They have some whackier random chance stuff too with the Tomb Scorpion and Bone Giant.

Let me know what you think about my ideas for the TK.

I think you have a lot of great ideas here! I was wondering the other day if the lack of dice in the melee phase would kind of limit unit diversity, but your Tomb Guard rule seems like a cool way to add some flavor to it. I also like your "Plentiful" rule, and I imagine we will be some variation of it as the game is expanded.

I like your "Protected" rule but I think I'd make it short range. Medium range actually covers a lot of battlefield and it would be hard to picture a unit at full medium range sprinting over to take an arrow for the Priest. Again, I think we'll be seeing something like this as the game game grows.

My personal favorite is your "Underneath" rule, and I especially like the chance that it can kill the targeted unit outright. The image of a giant scorpion bursting from the earth to pull some hapless unit to their doom is just too cool :)

I hope FFG takes note of your rules and considers making a Tomb Kings army in the future. But, as I'm sure you already know, Tomb Kings are pretty low on the totem pole in terms of popularity. You have just as much chance as getting your Tomb Kings as I of getting my Beastmen I'm afraid. :(

Edited by Murnaz

Hey, thanks for the compliments.

The Tomb Guard ability was an attempt to simulate their Killing Blow rule in the miniature game.

You're probably right about medium range being too long for protected. Originally I thought about making the range "Yellow" (so just the long part of the range ruler) but didn't know if this would be too wonky so just decided to go with medium. But short probably would be a better fit if Yellow doesn't work out.

I also like the idea of the plentiful key word. Massed chariots was one of the very cool things about Tomb Kings in the miniature game and I'd hope that a diskwars version of the Tomb Kings would be able to pull this off as well

Sorry there was a bit of misread on underneath or maybe I didn't explain it clear enough. The Tomb Scorpion actually is the one that dies if he rolls poorly. The reason it is this way is because in the miniature game the Tomb Scorpion had a chance to get lost underground or crushed and would never get to participate in the battle. But your like for the ability has got me thinking that it is too weak so changing it to this

Underneath: when you reinforce this disk you may place it any where on the board. If you place it pinning a disk roll a black dice. If you roll a scatter remove disc using underneath as a casualty. if you roll a hit or critical deal 1 wound to pinned missile or war machine.

I think this mimics how the Tomb Scorpion was used in the miniature game pretty well. He was all about taking out bolt throwers and catapults or small units. While Killing any unit outright would be awesome it would be extremely strong. Could you imagine auto taking out blood thirsters with the Tomb Scorpion?

haha yeah I know it is very unlikely to ever see Tomb Kings in this game. At the time I played them they were one of the least popular armies in the game and I think they still aren't very popular. Stupid Vampire Counts get all the love. A good themed set would be Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts because they're both undead but very different styles and they absolutely hate each other. For that reason I don't think Tomb Kings fit into the Order/Destruction factions of this game. They would have to be their own thing.

Oh and I forgot about one unit. I would replace the Skeleton Cavalry with these guys

Ushabti: (medium sized)

Movement 5

Attack Str 5

Counter Str 5

Toughness 5


points 8-9?

This unit fills a gap in the army list. The Ushabti are just a unit that can hit hard no matter what but they lack some of the excite of other disks.

Edited by ClanNatioy