One thing that irks me from the change over from fixed lists with fixed costs to the freeform buy anything was the advances I just bought to advance to the next level. By themselves they didn't mean much, but they helped to flesh out the character, like the Arbites who took crushing blow boxed on their time off (and later won a bare knuckle boxing fight in an underground arena), the other little skills and talents (like how often did you roll a carouse test? But it sure fits for the picture of a hard drinking Arbites). The Psyker taking Performer: Musician and playing her viola during downtime. It just is a shame that these little things that you took to advance but end up adding great moments to their history are gone. Now all you have is the best option looking forward to, getting some more Dodge, a talent, a new rank in charm. It is all open from the start of character generation.
I get why it is going (elite advances were always a hassle, now they aren't as one quick example), but I can't say that I won't miss it going. Just like thrones and saving up for that ONE item you really wanted, like a Cadence Spectre (the only gun any self respecting mercenary would own) or that new set of carapace to replace your worn out and ragged flak armor, something great about DH 1e is going away and I will miss it.