Ha if you were to ask me I would say about 384 for 24 bolter bolts, 50 for lodging, food and drink, 200 for minor gear, and 50 extra. That gives about 700 thrones
But seriously, about 200 is ok for an avarage acolyte. That way, he still cries, when firing his bolter.
Personally I wouldn't be expecting starting Acolytes to have a bolter unless they are playing a Sister of Battle - and even then I'd be dubiious about allowing it.
200 Thrones seems about right though - of course with no prices for DH2's armoury you could give them millions and then tell them its only worth 1 Influence
For those of you (like me) who like using Thrones I found a suppliament ages ago on these forums called "Macharian Handbook". It comes in two versions, one of weapons and one for gear and covers the vast majority of the weapons and equipment from DH1 and RT - including Throne prices for them. If I every run DH2 I will probably be using these books to replace the armoury.
If I can find a link in the DH1 forums I will post it here.