Hello, never played diskwars before this iteration, so my background knowledge is null. Forgive me if these answers are clear in the rulebook, but I couldn't find them.
1. Deployment zones, specifically the Rendezvous card. My question is basically if deployment zones are capped at their deployment value for the entirity of the game. For example, Rendezvous gives you a deployment value of 1. Activation tokens are not placed on disks reinforced in this zone. So, when I deploy at the start of the game, I can only place 1 disk in that zone. On my turn, how many disks can I reinforce into that zone? Can I deploy everything left in my reserve, or do I have to move my one deployed disk out, and then deploy a new disk? Or, can I only deploy 1 disk at a time in that zone?
2. "Caster" cards. When a card says "caster" at the bottom, does that mean I have to activate a caster with that card, or are they separate effects. Let's say I have "Fists of Mork" which reads, "Caster: Deal d6-2 magic damage to target disk within medium range, and to to each disk within short range of the target disk." It has an activation value of 3. So, do I have to use one of the 3 activations to activate a caster, and then use that effect? Or can I activate three disks (Not including a caster) and then use the effect of the card?
3. Siege Weapons. Can they scatter?
4. Terrain pieces and overlaps. Lets say that I have the Gully terrain piece out, which has the dangerous characteristic. And I have a disk sitting on that terrain piece, but there is a portion of the disk that hangs over the edge of the gully. Now, lets say that my opponent wants to attack that disk which is partially overlapping the Gully. Can my opponent pin my disk flipping his disk on top of the portion of my disk that is not on top of the gully, and thus avoid the "dangerous" damage?