Stamina Question

By kaltorak, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Awesome, thank you! And no worries, it happens to me too

In my opinion scrums look complicated but are in fact quite simple as long as you remember that every combat is a separate engagement, so unless a disk specifies otherwise, each disk can do one attack and one counter attack. So if A attacks B and B survives B is free to attack C. If C does enough damage to wound B or kill it then B would be removed along with other casualties. If A was killed it would of been removed before B attacked C.

Makes sense ? :-)

If you resolve scrums one engagement at a time from top to bottom and resolve engagements in 3 Phases each, then handeling scrums, engagements and stamina is actually not that complicated. Here is how I resolve scrums:


Engagement 1 (top most layer, if you will)

  • Phase 1 (Swift Attacks/Counters) :

- apply all attack and/or counter damage with the swift attribute simultaneously (if any)

- if damage is equal to or larger than the toughness of a unit, remove all damage (and excess) from that unit and replace it with a wound token (or remove the unit if defeated)

  • Phase 2 (Normal Attacks/Counters) :

- apply all normal attack and/or counter damage simultaneously (if any)

(only if units did not already deal damage during Phase 1, of course, since units are only allowed to deal damage once during one engagement!)

- if damage is equal to or larger than the toughness of a unit, remove all damage (and excess) from that unit and replace it with a wound token (or remove the unit if defeated)

  • Phase 3 (Slow Attacks/Counters) :

- apply all attack and/or counter damage with the slow attribute simultaneously (if any)

(again, only if units did not already deal damage during Phase 1 and 2, of course, since units are only allowed to deal damage once during one engagement!)

- if damage is equal to or larger than the toughness of a unit, remove all damage (and excess) from that unit and replace it with a wound token (or remove the unit if defeated)

  • Proceed to the next engagement (potentially within the same scrum)

Engagement 2 (next layer)

  • Repeat phases 1, 2 and 3
  • Continue until all engagements are resolved

Conclusions :

There are two possibile ways a unit with stamina can receive more than 1 wound tokens during one melee phase:

1) A unit can receive more than 1 wound token, if it receives damage equal to or more than its toughness in several separate phases of an egagement. This is only possible, if it is engaged with more than one opponent disk and the opponent disks have at least two of the attributes swift, normal or slow.

2) A unit can receive more than 1 wound token, if it receives damage equal to or more than its toughness during one engagement, and then again during a subsequent engagement, within the same scrum.

I believe it is MUCH simpler to handle engagements, scrums and stamina if you resolve engagements in 3 Phases and remember that wounds are applied at the end of each of these phases (if any):

  • Phase 1 (Swift Attacks/Counters)
  • Phase 2 (Normal Attacks/Counters)
  • Phase 3 (Slow Attacks/Counters)

Oh, and by the way, ranged attacks are separate events/phases entirely and wounds are applied (if any) after resolving them individually.

Edited by aniedrig