Temporal Slip & Vortex of Time Question

By Mnemonaut, in CoC Rules Discussion

Hello again,

can you please help me understand two cards?

The first is Temporal Slip (TKatG). It states that after an icon struggle resolves, I can choose an icon struggle and resolve it as if I had won it. Can I choose the already resolved icon to resolve it again, i.e. terror icon after a terror struggle? Or can I just choose icons which haven't been resolved yet?

The second card is Vortex of Time (TKatG). I have to pay 2 in order to use its Action (Draw 2 cards). Do I have to pay another 2 to use its Response from the discard pile?

I really appreciate your help!

With Temporal Slip you can choose any of the four struggles, regardless after which struggle type you choose to trigger it.

Triggering the Response on Vortex of Time has no cost associated with it. That's why it's limited to be usable only once per turn.

Nice and nice. Thank you. :)