Q'Sal Crystal Caster

By Yozzy, in Black Crusade

A quick question.

Since the errata hasn't been updated with content for the Tome of Fate yet, does anybody know what the clip size was supposed to be?

Edited by Yozzy

IIRC the designer said on these forums that he meant it to be 5.

Something low like that, yes. 3 or 5.

I did say 5, yes, but I also said that I cannot give official answers. That's what I would play it as, and that's what I intended , but if it's not in the rules then it's not in the rules, and would require an errata.


I did say 5, yes, but I also said that I cannot give official answers. That's what I would play it as, and that's what I intended , but if it's not in the rules then it's not in the rules, and would require an errata.


Which we know will never happen, so inofficial is as good as it gets.