Clicks and paid abilities

By Radish, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Sorry newbie question here. When a card has a click as the paid ability for an effect such as Professional Contacts how many times can you do that a turn? A friend and I are learning how to play this game and we found somewhere in the manual that it inferred if a paid ability was a click you could only use it once a turn (I can't seem to find it now but I remember it wasn't in the paid ability section). However I just watched a game online and the person triggered a click ability four times during his turn so it looks like we were incorrect. Does anyone who where we might be confused on this?

A Click ability can be triggered as many times as the player has available clicks on his or her turn. You may execute any combination of Click abilities in any order, unless otherwise specified.

The only thing I can think of that got you confused was maybe you saw someone play Kati Jones and thought it applies to any click paid abilities. But other then that (there may be a couple more cards out there that can only be used once per turn but I can't think of any right now) you can use your clicks in whatever way you choose to

Nah there was SOMETHING in the book that we clearly misread. Thanks guys for the clarification.

I had this question too, and I found the answer at rulebook page 21 for Paid Abilities: "...can be triggered an unlimited number of times as long as the cost is paid and any restrictions observed..."

I had this question too, and I found the answer at rulebook page 21 for Paid Abilities: "...can be triggered an unlimited number of times as long as the cost is paid and any restrictions observed..."

Paid abilities generally refer to those which do not require a click. When people say "paid abilities" they are referring to those which have a price but do not need the use of a click to perform. Paid abilities have certain windows which they can be used (such as before and after each click, or certain times during a run).

Click abilities are those that require a click, and may have costs in addition to the click. Professional contacts does not use paid abilities, it requires only the use of a click.

I had this question too, and I found the answer at rulebook page 21 for Paid Abilities: "...can be triggered an unlimited number of times as long as the cost is paid and any restrictions observed..."

Paid abilities generally refer to those which do not require a click. When people say "paid abilities" they are referring to those which have a price but do not need the use of a click to perform. Paid abilities have certain windows which they can be used (such as before and after each click, or certain times during a run).

Click abilities are those that require a click, and may have costs in addition to the click. Professional contacts does not use paid abilities, it requires only the use of a click.

Technically Click abilities ARE paid abilities. They are however a special class of paid ability called Actions . As such they're not able to be used in a Paid Ability window.

Just to super clarify what CommissarFeesh said, you cannot trigger click abilities while in the middle of executing any other action.

For instance, as a runner, you cannot start a run and trigger Kati Jones to avoid losing a click to Enigma or trigger Magnum Opus to get more money for breaking ICE.