Mulitple core sets

By wyrm187, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I know you wouldn't need them to get started. . . . .but every lcg I've played from FFG gets a lot of play with my friends and to have more choices of building should I buy 2? Sorry if this was already asked, didn't see it

From P.15 of the rulebook:

"Purchasing a second core set also provides you with many

more customisation options when army building, and terrain
cards can be combined from multiple core sets to create
interesting new terrain choices during setup."

For example, with High Elves, you only have 2 militia archers + 1 maidan guard in the Coreset. If you want to build a "Rain of Arrows" army, you will need a second Coreset (or more).

Thanks, I ordered one a few minutes ago and if its a big hit ill buy a second one

Unless you are playing in a tournament, I would just wait for the inevitable expansions to provide more unit options instead of investing in another core set.

I'm waiting on two core sets. I'm a casual player, but I wanted more versatility in building the armies I think will be fun, regardless on how practical they are.

I'm stuck with this decision as well. Whether to buy a second core or wait for expansions. I will have a tournament in March, hopefully word about an expansion before then.

I've been debating the issue myself, I'm mainly a casual player, but there are a lot of units in the core set I'd really like to have a second of (like the Knights Panther, Bright Wizard, and so on). I'll probably break down and do it eventually, but I'm not going to rush either. Anyone wonder about the possibility of FFG putting some of the lower distribution disks in expansions? Have they ever done anything like that in their LCGs? I would assume not, but thought I'd ask anyway.

I've been debating the issue myself, I'm mainly a casual player, but there are a lot of units in the core set I'd really like to have a second of (like the Knights Panther, Bright Wizard, and so on). I'll probably break down and do it eventually, but I'm not going to rush either. Anyone wonder about the possibility of FFG putting some of the lower distribution disks in expansions? Have they ever done anything like that in their LCGs? I would assume not, but thought I'd ask anyway.

They haven't done that in previous LCG expansions, so I wouldn't expect it.

I am going to go out on a limb here and predict that multiple core sets will not be a requirement to be competitive in a tournament. My favorite army at this point, can be built out of one core set. To be completely honest, ideally, I would use one small disk from a second core set but I often use the one core set version without visible loss.

I think there are good reasons to buy extra core sets such as army building flexibility and variety, extra sets of command cards and, less importantly, more terrain, etc. Also, if you thought of an awesome army that uses a dual Bolt Thrower, the ability to field it would be a great reason to buy more core sets. Another favorite reason of mine is that I like to play with a double deck of objectives/scenarios. This is because with just the 5 scenario cards, once you look at the card in the middle (the active scenario) and the objective you drew, you can often tell what objective your opponent doesn't have and it is more predictable which one he has. By playing with a double deck, you are essentially blinded for the opponent's objective. Otherwise, as others have pointed out, one core set provides an accomplished, deep gaming experience.

Anyway, I think that feeling that you are getting an incomplete game out of one core set or feeling that you cannot be fully competitive without multiple core sets are not great reasons to pursue buying extra core sets.

Edited by Bright Wizard

I just purchased my second set and while I had everything out in front of me, taking out the unique characters that I couldn't use in army building... I came to the conclusion that a second set really wasn't necessary for this game.

I think the existing 4 armies have enough options and flexibility that a second core set doesn't really add that much to make it manditory.

This is one of the first games I've bought in recent years (of similar styled games) that I've felt having the core set is all you really need and won't be lacking in any area really.

You could even play a 4 player game out of the core box (as long as everyone chose their own army) and everyone would have plenty of options to choose their own forces.

I would recommend just holding off til expansions start coming out and take it from there. A single core box of this game is plenty to enjoy it and be able to make your own varied armies still.

Intresting stuff. More food for thought, if you have a friend with a core set and you both want to play opposite sides, you could always borrow/swop disks with each other if you were to decide you needed more options. This may be useful for working out strategies for competative play or just to expand your options in casual play.

I've been debating the issue myself, I'm mainly a casual player, but there are a lot of units in the core set I'd really like to have a second of (like the Knights Panther, Bright Wizard, and so on). I'll probably break down and do it eventually, but I'm not going to rush either. Anyone wonder about the possibility of FFG putting some of the lower distribution disks in expansions? Have they ever done anything like that in their LCGs? I would assume not, but thought I'd ask anyway.

They haven't done that in previous LCG expansions, so I wouldn't expect it.

Actually, they have done something like this in Thrones. All the house boxes come with one or two location repeats from the core set. There's some overlap in X-wing, too.

I'd be more willing to get a second core set of this over say... Battlelore. If you want to play casually stick with one copy. If there's enough people in your area to facilitate tournaments and you like the game, get a second copy. Extra terrain is pretty cool to have, too.

I just purchased a second core set so we can play larger games , having those extra units/terrain is nice as well.

Can't hurt for competitive play either :)