Dark Eldar have potential, but i would port them over to Black crusade. At least there one torture obsessed murderous bastard wont stand out that moch from the other psychotic characters. Altough teh tought of the dark eldar aand the slaanesh champion getting togetehr for soem R&R... shudder.
So yeah, mature groups only... making the GM vomit should not be the main focus of the session
Ah, the superficial logic that says "Dark Eldar must get on great with Chaos worshippers, because they're all spiky and evil!"
A champion of Slaanesh is a mortal worshipping the being that destroyed Eldar civilisation. Its every action and thought is appeasement of She Who Thirsts, the Doom of the Eldar, the very thing that the Dark Eldar strive to elude with every waking moment (they eat pain and terror to prolong their lives; they prolong their lives to avoid dying and being devoured by Slaanesh).
Why would an Eldar, of any sort, spend any time socialising with a Champion of Slaanesh?
The mercenary side can come into play here - Fabius Bile (who, admittedly, is more scientist than daemon-worshipper) is known to have trained with Haemonculi to perfect his fleshcrafting - but Chaos is one of the fundamental enemies of Eldarkind as a whole.
Just as importantly, Dark Eldar don't work in the advancement structure for Black Crusade - they don't sit with the alignment rules well (as they aren't Chaos worshippers) and the corruption rules in BC are completely inappropriate for them.
I didn't say they would get on great. I just tought they would get along better with the guys who are raiding planets to maim and enslave like Deldar do, rather than rich imperials cruising around looking for the next profit margin. I mean WHY would a Deldar join a RT? Get stuck with these crude mon-keigh on their ugly, ugly ships? no thanks!
I put the slaanesh champion and the Deldar together becuz they are the two characters that can get out of hand and squicky in the hands of the wrong players. Even I will play my slaaneshi raptor as a depraved monster with a tendency to go for the schola progenium pupils, untill my Gm kindly asked me to tone it down a notch. And thats not counting theother guy in my group who described his armor as "spiked with fetuses impaled on it" - eeeeewww, that got banned quick!
What is it with people and making grand sweeping judgements over an entire race? DEldar aren't tiranids, they are not a hive-mind. They are all individuals, with personalities and stuff. DEldar's aren't all as one snobs and homicidal xenophobes. By your logic there are no tourists, no white buddhists, no black christians, no asian people in the west and no westerners in the asia.
Reasons for a DEldar to be in a Rogue Trader's entourage:
- Xenophilia.
- Escaping assassins.
- Hunting for technology/treasure/fuel.
- Getting Rogue Trader on your side to help with some home problems.
- Interstellar tourism.
- New and exciting enemies.
- Arlequin training.
- "I'm poor and can't get a job!"
- "I'm a noble and don't want to get a job!"
- Preparing an assassination of someone in the Imperial society.