Hey all, was wondering what ideas you all had about what would make good playmats/playspaces for this game. Obviously you will likely want a 3'x3' square at the minimum so that you dont have to measure it out every time.
My ideas:
1. Custom Vinyl mat w/custom image. A lot of people use these for X-Wing and they look very nice and are very durable. They tend to be a bite more expensive than other options, but you can usually get whatever image you want, so Im sure theres a bunch of 'field'/'warzone'-type images to use. My only concern with this is that the disks will likely slide a bit on these, which is not as much of a problem with X-Wing (since the models are on stands in that game).
2. Green/Brown/whatever felt cut to size. This is obviously the cheapest option, since you can pretty easily get this for <$5 /yard ( a bit more expensive for nicer felt) and you likely wont need more than 2 yards if that. If you want to get fancy you can further add a non-slip coating to the bottom pretty easily. I expect flipping the disks would be easiest on this since most felt will 'grab' the cardboard a little bit, which should make flipping easier/less error-prone Not as durable, but as said, much cheaper so it may not matter. Unless you find something with an image (pretty unlikely) or have it printed yourself (expensive) will likely just be plain-jane color of your choice and nothing more.
3. Painted Wood/other semi-hard material. Also cheap, but generally a bit more expensive than the felt idea. The image on the wood is whatever you can paint, so is as good/bad as you are at painting. Can be cut to the correct size and is pretty durable, especially once painted, but can be a hassle to transport since its is heavy even if you cut it into sections and awkwardly large AND heavy if you don't. Also, I expect you would have slippage of the disks here as well, since most paint doesnt grip very well.
Any one have other ideas/example pics?
I am leaning towards the felt option myself since my wife is good at sewing and would gladly stitch the edges of it for strength and could attach the non-slip stuff to the bottom for me. I think this would work for now, but am spoiled by the nice vinyl mats I have to x-wing, was wondering if I could get nice/looking AND functional somehow.