Magic Boat

By Thepoz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

On the map there are rivers, and you must have the magic boat to use them, where is the magic boat? I cant find it in the rules

Its not really mentioned in the rulebook very well. The Magic Boat is an item that is part of the Shop deck and can be bought at the market in any city. The card should have come in your RtL set. Same thing goes for the map for secret trails, the Guide and the Staff of the Wild (that's name I think, one that lets you move two trails a turn).

They're called "Party Upgrades"

On page 4:

Party Upgrade Cards
The heroes may wish to purchase items
that allow them to travel faster or more
easily. These items do not take up space in
any hero’s pack, and affect the entire party
of heroes. Party Upgrade cards are added
to the city shop deck when playing the
Advanced Campaign. See “The Market”
on page 22 for complete details on
purchasing shop items.

Unfortuately, on page 22, the first sentence says that "Treasure and shop items are bought and sold at the Market." and there's no mention of Party Upgrades, so it's easy to overlook (I know we did the first time we played).


Hahaha...I searched the pdf for "boat", explains why I missed finding it.