This is probably the 2nd-most played game at our table and we love it. However, we're too good at it. Dracula can never get above 4 victory points, and even then only if he's lucky. It doesn't help that we're all engineers well-versed in graph-theory and half our gaming groups works at Microsoft. We're just too d*** good at planning ahead.
However, we'd happily like to report we found the most elegant fix: we removed Mina Harker.
We didn't replace her with anything. It's now just a four-player game (Drac + 3 hunters). With Dracula's turn coming up that much more often, and less people to cover the map, we found it works amazing well, and almost always ends in down-to-the-wire finishes that can easily go either way.
Why Mina? She gets too many items too quickly, and her free is too powerful. Without the free bite, hypnotism is useless. And if you ever risk getting a bite (we usually put it on Van Hellsing) then you're at a severe disadvantage in combat against the Count - which means there's only two people that could go against him.
The only flaw in this otherwise perfect setup is the chaotic effect that comes with maybe drawing the Evasion card. So we removed it. It felt to go against the theme and purpose of the game anyway. And too much randomness takes away from the fun of the game and the battle of the brains.
So there it is: remove Mina Harker and the Evasion card, and you get a perfectly balanced game. And so much fun too I might add.