Languages? (And Lol Typo)

By Mikachu2, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I've read through the book and although it reccomended how many languages a character knows I.E someone with four only knows their language...

I can't find a Chart or a List of the languages however... Should I just drop the languages?

And Lol Gold is Misspelled in the Character Template "Glod"

The list of the languages is in the Gaia setting Book.
I'm insecure about posting them, but I can do it if you want.

Abel said:

The list of the languages is in the Gaia setting Book.
I'm insecure about posting them, but I can do it if you want.

Is the Gaia setting book included in the core book? If so you can just post the page... If not Then Please do Dx As the only Anima book out thus far in english is the core book :3

The Gaia setting Book Vol 1 is a whole a new Book. A beautiful one whith part of the Game setting of the game.
Only for GameMasters, Munchkings and Cheating Bastards.

The list of Languages.(in the order of the book)
I'm not going to enter in details.

Latin: Is the common one. Half of the World know it.

Arkes: The language of the people of the North, talked in Goldar and Hauffman.

Hermital: similar to Arkes but diferent at the same time. the write version i'ts very complex. talked in Hendell.

Tarazav: a dialect derived froma pirate code, this haven't a write version. Talked in Dwanholf.

Ailish: the language of Alberia.

Ogashima: the extrange fussion between Latin and Yamato. a dialect from Phaion.

Jashu: the second most talked language and the official one of the lands of Al Eneth.

Kannawa: the language of the tribes who live in Nanwe.

Sheeham: the writing version is a weird one, it's all about colors to express diferent terms. The language of Kasmir.

Irula: the Knowledge language from Baho.

Kola: the strenght language from Baho too.

Yamato and Yamato shu: Japanesse and Chinesse. The language of Varja.

There is a lot of dead languages too, there are:

Nepranus: the language of the Duk'Zarist. It's a very strange too, all the words are writen in all directions.

Elium Lacriame: talked only by Light elementals and a few Sylvain priest. I'ts like the Hymmnos from Ar Tonelico. no, i'm not liying to you.

Legemeton: the language of Zem... Solomon high class. It's teh progamation language for his lost tech too.

Ultwe'alariel: the Sylvain common language.

Dael: very weird and lost.

Kamyu: the language of the spirits and gods from Varja.

Lileth: a language used in the Lilium tradition. It's teh secret language of spirits.

Yvah: tha language of the lost empire of Yahudah

S'lish: if the cristian Hell as we know it exist in Gaia, this is the official language.

Of couse the dead language need requesits for the player and NPC to know.

Nepranus: Occult 40, history 40
Elium Lacriame: Occult 40, History 40, Music 40
Legemeton: History 60, Science: 40
Ultwe'Alariel: Occult 40, History 40
Dael: History 80(weird because no one can translate it)
Kamyu: occult 40, History 20
Lileth: Occult 80
Yvah: Occult 40, History 40
S'lish: occult 120

Sorry for the typos and the errors. I hope you like it.

Ohh Thank you very much! I will try looking for the Gaia setting book as soon as it comes out in english ^.^

Abel said:


Woah that's awesome to know, thanks. :)

I wonder if The company needs any help translating all of these into Mandarin Chinese...