Black Breath

By Nerdmeister, in Rules questions & answers

Treachery card reads:

When Revealed: Attach to a hero you control.

(Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:

"Limit1 per hero. Reduce attached hero´s [Willpower), [Attack]

and [Defense] to 0."

My question here is wether this reduction goes for the hero´s basic abilities or also for his attachments?

Can Sam Gamgee get his modifiers applied for engaging high-engagement enemies?

Do various armor, weapon and other modifying attachments still give their bonusses?

Or does the hero to whom this treachery card is attached simply get cut to a flat 0 in all stats, regardless of other circumstances?

Edited by Nerdmeister

It's an attachement with a constant game effect. It doesn't reduce the printed stats, so I would assume it reduces all bonuses given by other cards effect.

It is not define somewhere that "reduce" take precendence over other bonus, but I assume it's what the designer had in mind.

The FAQ states that:

The game state constantly checks and (if necessary)
updates the count of any variable quantity that is being
modified. Any time a new modifier is applied, the
entire quantity is recalculated, considering all active

I would take this to mean that "reduce to zero" trumps all other bonuses, when they are applied simultaneously.

It'll have to get reduced to zero. There's a bit in the core set rule book for this:

"Any time a new effect is applied to a card, the net sum of all

active effects should be recalculated." (p 25)

The way Black Breath is worded, it'll just trump everything.

Phrases like "I assume..." and "I would take this to mean..." prompted me to ask Caleb.


Black Breath creates an effect that constantly reduces the attached hero's stats to 0. You can still give the attached hero any amount of attribute boosts, but Black Breath will immediately reduce them back to 0.

Edited by Nerdmeister