I have good decks to play this hard scenario (Cair Andros). But they are good in siege (my characters quest hard with defense points).
1b (The Defense) is easy to quest with them. But 5b (Last Battle) is not so easy because almost always it gains battle (quest by attack points).
I have a good idea to make it easier: i first explore all the Battleground locations, but not at all of The Citadel. For exemple, it is active location (other 2 are explored) and i try to keep it with, for example, 8 or 10 progress tokens. And the next round, i quest hard (with siege-defense points)...: the idea is...
I explore Citadel, and it automatically go to 5a and 5b..., the question is: does my quest points continue to place into 5b?
Last game is so, for example:
6 threat staging area, 1 quest point to explore citadel..., and our total quest (in siege mode) was 21. So we put into Last Battle 14 progress tokens (even if 5b gains battle).
The next round, you can quest easy even if you quest in battle mode .
PD: In fact, an attacker with gondolin blade kills an enemy and we won the game.