My wife and I just picked up the Core Set for WH:I. We're both new to LCG's or any game of this kind and had a few issues with the core rules tonight during our first play through.
1) Cards on hand. During the quest phase you are supposed to draw as many cards from your deck as you have hammers or (power) on your quest side. But his there a limit as to how many cards you are holding in hand at any time? (Tonight I handed up losing because I was holding all my cards in my hand at the end of the game).
2) Loyalty points: According to the manual loyalty points under the unit's cost add those loyalty points to the unit cost. So an orc unit that costs two resources but has 3 loyalty points listed under it's costs actually ends up costing 5 resources total. But in the video tutorial those loyalty costs are ignored. So which way is it?
Thanks in advance.