How much is "a session"?

By Keats, in WFRP Rules Questions

Several career abilities or talents state that "once every session you can do xxx".

So how long is a session? Does it mean an entire session of gaming or just an encounter?


I would go with each 3-4 hours of gaming. It is assumed that a game group might meet from 7-11pm on a weeknight, for example. This is also the length of an RPG gaming slot at a game convention.


With "session" is the entire gaming session. But the times we were gaming for 6-7 hours I mostly reset that in the middle (during our food break) so they could be used twice that gaming day. So 3-4 hours as Emirikol suggests sounds about right.

Ok, thank you so much for your replies folks. Our group normally plays for a whole weekend at a time so going with 3-4 hours sounds appropriate.

Our group normally plays for a whole weekend at a time...

I miss those times... *sad*

Edited by socratim

Same here..sadly those days are 20 years in my past... Real life is such a time-suck anymore.

for us it is one sit down - can be 3h-6h

I use 4 hours as session benchmark. I give advances every 240 minutes of playing. I moved to this after ending our last campaign and starting our Enemy Within campaign.