Hi there everybody!
I am interested in buying Descent 2nd Ed. but the one thing that keeps me from doing so si whether or not the tiles were of great quality and durability. I know from reading the forums on Descent 1st Ed. that some people experienced issues with the tiles maybe tearing, fraying or beginning to peel, but I was wondering if anyone who owns the new edition could please enlighten me as to the quality and durability of the new tiles. Also, would it be possible if someone who has had any issues with the tiles from their set(s), could they chime in as well. This is something that will definitely determine if I am going to purchase this game, as it is something I'm extremely interested in and when it comes to my games I tend to be very anal retentive and strive to keep them perfect so that they last a long time, and damage to tiles will just completely turn me off.
Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.