Hi all! Below are a couple of style items we'd like input on.
You may have noted we’re purposefully doing fewer game terms in upper case lettering. After looking through first edition books, it seemed like too many terms were in upper case, to the point were that usage didn’t call the eye the way it should. Thus in the first beta (and this one) we’ve made many game terms in lower case. We think this is a Good Thing, but we’re certainly open to your input on the matter.
We’re also doing less text in bold, and only using that to call out skill and other tests in actual adventure text (again, like we did in the first beta). So a skill test in the regular rules would be in regular text, and when called for in an adventure would be in bold so the GM can easily find them. As above, we’re looking for your feedback on this presentation style.
Difficulty Levels: First edition uses these to indicate the difficulty in accomplishing a test, such as “Ordinary” for +10 bonus, or “Hard” for a –20 penalty. Armoury item availability was done in a similar manner, just indicating with a word how difficult is it to acquire the item. In the first version of the beta, we included a chart for the descriptives and their corresponding numerical modifiers, but otherwise simply indicated the numerical modifier for an actual test or availability level. In this beta, we’ve gone back to the first edition style, but we’d like player input on this as to which is preferable: using the descriptor and number to indicate the modifier, or just using the number modifier.
Let us know and thanks!