I mostly have stuff from Block 2 and very little of Block 3, which is from Deadly Ground and Realm of Midnight and down. Below is a list of Promo's, Ultra Rares, and Rares that I am trading off and below that is a list of wants from commons to promo's. If you want any commons or uncommons please let me know of it and I will see if I have it. Thanks!
Block 3 Trade Aways:
:Kyoshiro: x1
.:Donovan:. x1
:.:Vega:.: x1
.:Demitri:. x2
.:Victor:. x1
.:Iori:. x1
:Rera: x1
.Ninon. x2
.:Haohmaru:. x4
Final Confrontation x1
Death Cross Dancing x1
Psycho Rolling x1
Caught Up in the Moment x2
Treasure Hunt x2
Soul Absorption x2
The Price of Foolishness x2
Penance x1
Instinctual Rivalry x1
Ingyo Tenshin no Jutsu x4
Preventing the Curse x2
Blinding Speed x2
Liquid Form x1
Accursed Power x2
The Nine Commandments x2
Battle Scarred Chest x1
Yasakami no Magatama x1
Field of Stroms x1
Sacred Temple x1
Magic Shop x1
Ancient Battle Grounds x1
Fei Long's Roundhouse x1
Spinning Arrow x1
Solar Flash Dance x1
Mega Spike x1
Okami Ni Noru x2
Spinning Back Fist x1
Rera Kishima Tek x1
Akuma's Hadoken x1
Sakura's Shoryuken x1
Imeru Shikite x2
Nefarious Plans x1
Block 2 Trade Aways:
.Kazuki. x1
.Sogetsu. x1
.Necro. x1
.Duke. x1
.:Yun-Seong:. x1
.Revenant. x1
:Athena: x1
.Strife. x1
.:Siegfried:. x1
.Mr. Karate. x1
.K'. x1
.Miser. x1
::Cassandra:: x1
.Ibuki. x1
.R. Mika. x1
.Adon. x1
.Talim. x1
.:Ukyo:. x1
.Galford. x1
.Cervantes. x1
.J. Talbain. x1
:Seong Mi-na: x1
:Talim: x1
:R.Mika: x1
::Astaroth:: x1
.Donovan. x2
::Ivy:: x2
:Genjuro: x2
.Morrigan. x2
:.:Mitsurugi:.: x2
.Demitri. x2
.Q-Bee. x2
:K': x1
.Yoshimitsu. x1
.Lilith. x1
.Felicia. x1
.Tam Tam. x1
:.:Cassandra:.: x1
.Rikuo. x1
:.:Taki:.: x1
::Voldo:: x1
.Sankuro. x1
.Iori. x1
.:Mai:. x1
:.:Dhalsim:.: x1
:Gill: x1
:Luise: x1
:Billy: x1
.Seth. x1
.Siegfried. x1
:Siegfried: x1
:::Ryu::: x1
.Sophita. x1
:Sophitia: x2
.Haohmaru. x1
.Ukyo. x1
.Mai. x1
:Twelve: x1
.:::Ryu:::. x1
:Lizardman: x1
:Yoshimitsu: x1
::Akuma:: x1
:.:Akuma:.: x2
Whipcracker x2
Perfect Form x4
Shogyusha x4
Quest to Defeat the Rifle x4
Growing Up in the Ghetto x5
Come to the Aid x4
Please Help Me X4
Wind Roll x1
Temporal Ascension x3
X.C.O.P.Y. x2
Manji Ninjitsu x2
Yoshimitsu x2
Syi Salika & Loka Luha x1
Coul Edge & Nirvana x1
Damascus Sword x3
Billy's Staff x2
Irkalla x1
Delta Red Insignia x2
Hannya and Kien x1
The Adrian x1
GerdenHeim's Research Notes x1
Onigam Isle x2
Furinkazam x2
Soul Radiance x2
Kasumi-Suzaku x3
Heavenly Dynamite x1
Thunder Break x1
Cool Hunting x1
Final Destruction x1
Crimson Starload x4
Heaven Lift x2
Dream Blossoms x1
+B x2
Hellcat x4
Killer X x3
Iceberg Circular x3
Mitsurugi's Phoenix Tail x4
Lunatic Sin x2
Mighty Whirlwind x1
Seal of the Fire Dragon x1
Ukyo's Short Slash x4
Windfall x1
Weaving Blades x1
Rising Knee x3
Hyper Fist x1
Bad Spray x1
Mi-na Frankensteiner x1
Star Fall Eve x1
Dragon Wheel x1
Jute Burial x2
Shadow Cannon x2
Instanity Trap x1
Demon Pheromone x1
Cannon Divide x2
Zephyros Wheel x4
Kongoko-Kuretsuzan x2
Turning Suicide x2
Kuchu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Extra x2
Ryu's Hadoken Extra x2
Hyakki Go Sen x2
X.N.D.L. x2
Turnus Nether Blast x2
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku x2
Mezentius Desert Threat x2
No Ones Ever Gonna Keep You Down x1
Calm but Deadly x4
Intuitive Observation x1
Skilled Ninja x1
Well-Travelled x1
Disciple of War x2
Antisocial x3
Circuit Scrapper x3
Darkness Blade x4
Demon Cradle x2
Feline Spike x4
Fight or Flight x3
Genocide x2
Great Gerdenheim x4
High Plasma Beam x2
Lightning Sword x1
Makai High Noble x2
Midnight Pleasure x3
Program Malfunction x2
Without a Care x2
Akuma's Shoryureppa x4
Blinding Rage x4
Evil Plans x4
Experienced Combatant x4
Hozanto x3
Kuzuryu Reppa x4
Manifest Destiny x1
Mysterious Stance x3
No Memories x1
Ryu's Shin Shoryuken x3
Sakura's Shinku Hadoken x4
Superhuman Strength x4
Tag Along x4
Through the Defenses x4
Tiger Fury x4
Whirlwind x3
Ancient Training Ground x2
Juni's Spiral Arrow x3
Naruto x3
Psycho Style x2
Rush Down x3
Seichusen-Godanzuki x4
Undercover Agent x1
Yoroi-Doshi x3
Double Grounder x3
Will of Iron x4
125 Rapids of Rage x3
Assassination Arts x3
Chikemuri Kuruwa x4
Chobi Jishi x1
Rejection x4
The Gorgeous Team x4
Tsurane Kiri x2
Double Mittwoch x4
Gravity Storm x3
Military Combat Arts x4
Military Discipline x4
Moon Slasher x4
Powerful Style x4
Shooting Capoera x4
The Angel of Evening x4
The Tae Kwon Do Zephyr x4
The Ways of Punishment x4
Yuri's Super Upper x4
Amy's Assistance x4
Blood Runs True x4
Chester's Backing x4
Cutting Edge x4
Greed's Influence x4
Hwang's Protection x4
Olcadan's Mentoring x1
Revenant's Calling x4
Tira's Contract x3
Lord of the Makai x3
Searching for a Real Challenge x3