Timing Question

By player1400024, in Battlestar Galactica

Hi everyone,

I just got done playing a game with 5 people and we could not agree on the game's end! The humans had 1 fuel remaining and 7 destination points. The humans reached autojump. The two destination cards were something like: A. 2 destination points and -2 fuel and B. 2 destination points and -1 fuel. So, my question is: Did the humans win because they reached 8 points or did the cyclons win because the humans would have lost all fuel? We couldn't come to a decision and I couldn't find any official ruling. Thanks for any input.

The Cylons won; the humans need more than to just travel 8 distance: they need to travel 8 and then complete one more jump after that in order to win.

As for the timing question, if the final "victory jump" would deplete your resources, the cylons do still win. It's not terribly common, since the last jump doesn't require you to resolve a destination card, but can happen, for example, if your population is at 1 and you botch an FTL control roll. (The rules talk about this scenario on p. 14).

Thank you! I didn't realize you still had to jump once more after reaching 8 points. This was a game I had explained to me rather than read the rules myself, which I usually do. Thanks again!