Dungeon level 26

By KAGE13, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I know it says "sections" and not area's,

but are you guys playing these sections revealed from the start?

an OL could just spawn all he wants behind the door, while the hero's take forever to kill the dragon, especially if they pull it during their first couple of levels.

That's the one with the 3 leaders right?

That's how I've been playing it. Remember there is that thing that once you kill a Leader all monsters in its section die (or something along those lines). I had an OL one time basically fill the room with the demon, and we still won it pretty handily in Copper level.

Big Remy said:

That's the one with the 3 leaders right?

That's how I've been playing it. Remember there is that thing that once you kill a Leader all monsters in its section die (or something along those lines). I had an OL one time basically fill the room with the demon, and we still won it pretty handily in Copper level.

well thats good to know, I am running my game on friday night, and I was looking at that level. thats exactly what I would do...the dragon has high enough armor it will take the hero's a while...and then just fill the demon room with monsters and put the demon at the back.

good to hear you guys go through it and its not impossible.

As far as I know the monsters only die (flee) whenever the leader dies in outside encounters . Does that also happen in dungeons? If that's the case I've been playing it wrong.

The encounter only ends if it's against a lieutenant and the lieutenant is slain.

In no other case is this true (well, unless you count the avatar final encounter, final battle)

Dungeon level 26 is the exception to the rule. From the card:
Special: There are three sections to this level, each with its own leader and minions. When a section leader is killed, all other monsters in that section die and the door to the next section (or the portal, in the case of Firebrand) unlocks and opens.

That being said there has always been a debate about what is a section for the purposes of the monsters dying upon leader death. So for instance, when you kill the dragon, do all the monsters on board die, except for the ones in the section with the demon, or is it just the ones standing in the original section? I've always played it that once you open the door between the hellhound and the dragon, that's now one section, so when you kill the dragon everything is gone except anything you spawned in the demon's section. I could very well be wrong about that however.

Okay, can the editting of quotes possibly get any worse on this forum?

Big Remy said:

Dungeon level 26 is the exception to the rule. From the card:
Special: There are three sections to this level, each with its own leader and minions. When a section leader is killed, all other monsters in that section die and the door to the next section (or the portal, in the case of Firebrand) unlocks and opens.

That being said there has always been a debate about what is a section for the purposes of the monsters dying upon leader death. So for instance, when you kill the dragon, do all the monsters on board die, except for the ones in the section with the demon, or is it just the ones standing in the original section? I've always played it that once you open the door between the hellhound and the dragon, that's now one section, so when you kill the dragon everything is gone except anything you spawned in the demon's section. I could very well be wrong about that however.

I would say since section one is different from section 2 that if you have monsters hanging out in section 1 when the dragon dies, they are still on the board. But it would be a gametime discussion between the players.

As to your other question, Remy: I doubt it.

brings up an interesting question. Does this mean that this level if you have any Power Cards that has an effect for "new sections" that it would be applied three times on this level?


To the best of knowledge, no. Most of the power cards, like Horde of Things, I'm pretty sure refer to areas and not sections. Since there are no unrevealed areas on this level, its still one area like the other dungeon levels.

Hordes of the Things and Brilliant Commander both specifically say when a new area is revealed. This means they work at the start of a new level and also in rumors/legendary areas where there are multiple areas to reveal, but quest 26 doesn't have any unrevealed areas, just areas separated by rune-locked doors.

One thing I do find curious is that since rune locked doors can be opened by named monsters and they don't need runekeys to do so, what's to stop the OL from just bringing the named monsters through and closing the locked doors behind them? Does the card say something about that? I mean, why not get the demon and all his friends in there with the dragon and really do some damage?

You could do that, but if I remember the map layout right it wouldn't work to your advantage to bring the names monsters forward early. I thnk the whole map is a three 4x4 rooms connected by either 2x2 or 4x2 hallways. There isn't a lot room to move around, especially for the dragon abd demon.

What you can do is spawn in the Demon's room, have him open the door and let out the monsters, then close it so you always have somewhere to spawn.