In No Surrender, when the Imperial forces land on the star fort and are securing their "beachhead", an NPC officer takes command, sending out scouts, distributing equipment, securing the wounded, setting up temporary fortifications, and advancing the able bodied squads forward while the walking wounded hunker down and guard the seriously injured until the way ahead is clear, a landing zone is secured, and reinforcements can safely transfer them to a more permanent strongpoint. I thought it was a great way for PCs to observe an officer taking charge and doing things by the book (Tactica Imperialis). Textbook awesome!
As the adventure continues, the PCs' (hopefully) heroic and competent actions give them the option of accepting battlefield promotion and taking command of a squad or two, then a platoon, then finally a company, and ordered to complete certain objectives in these new leadership roles. I assumed this was only for Sergeant or Commander classes, but I couldn't find where the book specifies that only those two can be put in charge through a battlefield promotion by dint of survival and lack of other officers.
My question was, if the line grunts decide they want to move up the chain of command, how do you help your PCs to do their job correctly? Is there a section in the rulebook or any supplement that details the actual commanding of others (not just the skill that determines if people listen to you).
Something that says, "Sergeants get 10 man squads. Usually one carries a special weapon and another two are armed with a heavy weapon. There may also be one trooper assigned a vox unit to communicate with the Platoon leader. Sergeants deal with recon/house to house assault/advancing through enemy held trenchs/etc by doin A, B, and C, blah blah blah...Lieutenants and their platoons (regular squads as well as conscripts/heavy/special/veteran squads) need to coordinate with their sergeants to set up overlapping fields of fire/preliminary bombardment from heavy weapons/flanking veterans that blah blah blah..." all the way up to company commander?
Basically, how do you handle your PCs moving up in the IG without just giving them a codex: IG book?
There is some serious number crunching by the end of No Surrender and I think it would be more enjoyable for a player taking command to feel like he or she has at least some rudimentary knowledge (ESPECIALLY if their character has Common Knowledge Tactica Imperialis!)
Edited by WarbossTae