Enduring the elements quest

By Bagdad, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was looking at the "Enduring the elements" quest since it's the one we are going to play next.

My first thought is: how is the overlord supposed to win this one?

I was planning to take fast/small monsters in the first encounter, but I noticed that the reward is practically worthless (+1 damage or + 1 defence with the elemental....).

So my plan is to take Large/hard hitting monsters and ignore the objective to damage them as much as possible for the second encounter.

But seriously, I have no idea how I can manage to kill 4 hero's at the same time in the second encounter. They will just leave the tank outside of the room and attack with the 3 others hero's.

They can easily do 10+ damages each + pierce and stuff. So my elemental + lieutenant will never last more than 2 turns.

Any ideas?

I have only played this as an epic. It's very hard for the OL to get this. I started with their weakest hero and cut them down quickly. This works best if it's the healer. I then picked away at the remaining group. By the time the healer was with the remaining group, I had the other three in the room with Merrick, two falling on the same turn. If I remember correctly, Merrick can be reinforced. So I had him go out into the thick of everything and the elemental in the room, so he could hurt weak heroes.

I still didn't win, but I had three of four heroes in the room. If I could have bought myself one more turn I would have had all of the heroes where I needed them to be.

If I where to do it all over again I would have tailored my deck to be more focused on hit hard and fast. I would have also tried to hit much harder in encounter one. If they are weak going into encounter two and you have a fist full of cards, then I feel the chance is better. Always keep one dash card. Keeping the healer away from the group is best so he can't undo all of your work.

That plus one shield for the elemental could very much save your bacon... just saying.

Hope that helps.

Yes, what you are describing is pretty much the strategy I was planning to use; Focus on Damage in first encounter + pick up the defence stone.

Anyway I don't think I have any chance of getting close to the 3 other stones.

My concern is that since we are playing in campaign, hero's have tons of armor and equipment + they have 2 fighters including Nanok than can just cancel one of my attack.

We'll see what happen, I'll try to focus my deck and use Blood rage on the lieutenant since he reinforce at each EOT.

We'll see what happen, I'll try to focus my deck and use Blood rage on the lieutenant since he reinforce at each EOT.

>D I love it!!

I played a campaign with Nanok. Though challenging, I would not say he is an issue. I was running warlord as well. Once you get the deck going, Nanok was a non-issue. Even his black brown at the end. Don't fear him. He only needs to roll bad twice for you to put him down. Yes, he has the "no sale" once, but if you can get him to expend that early or on attack that is weak but might kill him, do it! Once it's gone, he's a sitting duck. ^.~

The first encounter is hard. I think I only got one out myself, though I feel I could have gotten two out had I been a little more careful. Good luck sir! Tell me how it goes!

I hope your patient because we don't play often ;) . We might only play it in a month.

And BTW, I'm not playing as Warlord, I use the Punisher Class. With a couple of other cards like blood rage + web trap.

I don't really fear Nanok, it's just that when he cancel a 9+ damage attack it's pretty sad. The geomancer is more of a pain now that he have 2 summon stones. These things are so annoying.

I have allot of patients ^.^ the time lets you plan better.

Punisher class, huh? How is that working out? I haven't used that one yet.

And yes! That always makes me sad as well. I had the geomancer in that same group as well! He's such a pain... wait till he has three...

Punisher class is pretty interesting. Mostly, It let's you play cards while the hero's turn. They can always decide to ignore the effects, but there is always consequences.

Ex: A level 1 card allow you to move 1 of your monster's each time a hero use fatigue to move.

Or, a level 2 cards let you search your discard pile if the hero don't succeed an attribute test. (and suffer the attribute's number as damage prior to roll).

And the level 3 card allow you to assign a monster to each hero and if they do damage to this monster they suffer the same damage. Imagine using this in the Enduring the element quest. If they attack the lieutenant or elemental, they'll probably kill one of the hero.

What I like about that class is that it slow them down a lot. It make them lose turns to not suffer the cards.

Sounds like Basic I and punisher would work really well together.

It would be interesting with Basic II as well: use the Befuddle with Price of Prevention(?) to pick up your power cards. Eliza's Plot deck would work well with Blood Bargaining too, you could leech life voluntarily and damage the assigned heroes. if you can KO any of them, you can gain a threat and then use Eliza's 'healing' card (Can't remember the name ... blood something :P ) to potentially cure them next turn.

I want to try out Punisher, it looks like fun and can be pretty dangerous in the right scenario.