Two Weapon Fighting?

By Santiago, in Only War


While the Two Weapon Fighting rules are quite clear (finally) I can't seem to find one thing.
Is attacking with two weapons a Full or a Half Action?



I'm curious about something too. Can you swift or lightning attack with both weapons if you're fighting with two weapons?

I'm curious about something too. Can you swift or lightning attack with both weapons if you're fighting with two weapons?


I like that they did that...but it still feels like cheating to my gamer-self.

Well it's part of allowing pistols to be fired semi- or full auto in melee and the mechanical reworking of SA/LA as forms of SA/FA. They function the same mechanically now.

So, for an example (yes, I'm being lazy ;) ), say you were going to dual wield melee weapons, such as dual swords, or dual power fists; what all would you need to include to maximize your asskickery with such a setup?

Melee: Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Wielder (melee) & Blade Dancer.

Ballistic: Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Wielder (ranged) & Gunslinger

Melee & Ranged: Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Wielder (melee & ranged) & Sidearm

Yeah, there is almost zero reason for you not to dual wield if you're going for a melee-focused character.

Other than saving a bunch of xp.

Well, saving XP... Character Theme... also, there are some pretty cool talents than can be used when using a single melee weapon.

It has always rather irritated me that there was no additional mechanical support for attacking with the 40k staple that is having a pistol in one hand and sword in the other, the loadout that almost everyone in 40k seems to favour.

It's a good loadout. Versatile, usable at melee and range. What's wrong with it? (Other than stupid recoil gloves. :) )

It's a good loadout. Versatile, usable at melee and range. What's wrong with it? (Other than stupid recoil gloves. :) )

The complaint SEEMS to stem from the Table Top, where you got an extra Attack in Assault for that pistol. In the RPG, you have to spend points, like many options in TT, and get Sidearm, which decreases penalties for dual-wielding, and when you can snub someone at PB range with a plasma pistol, AND then swipe at them with a chain sword or power sword, while they are still reeling, that's not bad damage. The right stuff can even get the penalties down to 0.

You get an extra attack in this game from that pistol. :) And an extra attack in TT for an extra close-combat weapon.

Personally I would take it for sure if I were playing an archetypal character, like a Sarge or Commissar. Though it is expensive.

Actually my main gripe with it is that it requires TWW (Melee and Ranged) first. I have no interest in playing a dual-wielding character except for the pistol-melee weapon combo, so form my POW that's just wasted XP.

EDIT: you could shoot point-blank, then move up and hit (as in the above example) with TWW; that just requires Ambidextrous to do it without a penalty.

Edited by bogi_khaosa