Are clue tokens a finite resource?

By BardMorgan, in Elder Sign

What should happen if a player receives a clue token as a reward for completing an adventure, and there are no clue tokens left?

This is not a far-fetched scenario with an eight-player game and people hoarding clues for a specific purpose.

The possibilities I've come up with are either keep track of clues using other tokens (pennies, for example), or the investigator is simply SOL and doesn't get the promised reward for all his hard work and risk, much like real life.


Clues should NEVER be a limited resource in this game. While I play with only four Investigators at any one time, I could absolutely see the need for additional "counters" when playing with six or more Investigators .

Yes, I'm with Joe on this one. Unless it's clearly stated in the rulebook that components are supply limited, I intend them to be not.

Thanks kindly, good people. I'm relieved to know that I shan't be rendered clueless :P
