Last week was pretty slow so I had some time to cobble this together. I'm not meaning to use these things, just filling in the blanks with a thought experiment.
Heavy cruisers were once the backbone of the Imperial Navy. These ancient vessels, rugged warhorses, were heavily armed and armoured, forming a nearly unshakeable line of battle against humanity's enemies. It's ironic that it was human weakness that lead to the class' fall from grace: most were destroyed in the years following the Great Crusade and in the treasons over the millennia since. The few heavy cruisers still in service are untrusted and unwanted, relegated to reserve fleets along with discarded grand cruisers.
Not to be outdone, the forge world of Voss Prime submitted two examples of their Stalwart class heavy cruiser to the Imperial Navy for evaluation. Both were then shifted throughout the Imperium on their centuries-long shakedown cruise, assigned to various battlefleets. Both managed to join the Angevin Crusade just as Saint Drusus took command and are considered hero ships in the Calixis Sector.
Heavy Cruiser : In addition to the class' rules above for all heavy cruisers, the Perseverance comes pre-equipped with the following components and cannot be removed: Excess Void Armour , and Field Bracing with 0 Power. The hull's Space and characteristics have already been reduced to account for these Components and additional Power may be supplied to the Field Bracing to improve Hull strength.