Steward's Fear question

By Khamul The Easterling, in Rules questions & answers

So at one point in the game I was on 2B in SF and I had 1/4 progress on the quest card and I had a city street or some location in the staging area. So I then quested and revealed a secret map (the one that puts 3 progress on the quest) but I needed one more round to prepare for boss. So I left the secret map in the staging area and traveled to city street. End of Round. Then the next round I exhausted a hero to do the secret map and finished off the quest stage but then I was left with the active location with an underworld card under it. So do use the secret map to finish off the progress, set the active location aside, and go to 3b and put the location back as the active location?

So basically, what do you do to the active location when you somehow finish the quest card before the active location?

Thank you

Edited by Khamul The Easterling

Secret Map puts 3 progress tokens on the active location.

A Prisoner puts 2 progress tokens on the quest.

A Scrap of History puts 1 progress token on the quest.

I think I made that mistake too -- at first it looks like Secret Map is the most powerful of the three, but actually it does the least for you.

But I think this situation can happen in some quests. I can't think of one offhand. Occasionally there is a card that instructs you to put progress tokens directly on the quest card, bypassing the active location. If you flip to a new quest card while there is currently an active location, you just leave everything as it was. Go to the new card, and the current active location stays right where it is, remaining the active location. Follow instructions on the new quest card (which may or may not instruct you to do something with the active location), then proceed as normal.

Edited by GrandSpleen

oh and in case you wanted to see for yourself, I'm getting that from the core manual:

" The game state of other cards does not change; cards

in the staging area remain in the staging area, cards
engaged with players remain engaged, exhausted
characters remain exhausted, damage tokens and
resources remain as they are placed, and the round
sequence is not interrupted." (pg 22)
It doesn't explicitly mention the active location, I guess since it is more of a rare occurrence, but it does say that the game state of other cards does not change. Also I thought of the Redhorn Gate, which depends on that rule: after you put the final progress token on the 2nd quest card, and before flipping to the 3rd quest card, Caradhras becomes the active location. It just stays there once you flip to 3b immediately after performing that step.

Thanks man for taking the time to reply. ;)