Does a hero end his turn when he falls into a spiked pit?

By bisuax, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does a hero end his turn when he falls into a spiked pit?

I don't have the card in front of me, but unless it says that the Hero ends his turn then no. If the Hero still has movement/fatigue left they can keep moving.

He certainly does not, assuming he survives the damage taken in said pit. The card only says he falls into the pit and takes 2 wounds (more if trapmaster(s) is (are) in play. It will take him 2 movement to get out of the pit, however, unless he has wind pact, acrobat, fly or telekinesis (faq says one fatigue to move out of pit so you could move yourself). So...the hero will need at least 2 movement and/or fatigue to get out. This works great when a hero has calculated all his fatigue/movement/potions to get to one of your monsters to make an attack and you drop him in a pit with only one movement/fatigue left and still a couple of spaces away from said monster. If he can't get out of the pit, his LOS is reduced to one space...which makes it pretty hard to shoot somebody.

ok thanks. i would have won if only the turn had ended as the overlord