I can't quite decide from the rules whether embattled disks deal damage as both an attacker and a defender. On page 20 of the rule book in the example of a scrum the River Troll doesn't deal damage as an attacker. However, on page 10 it says an embattled disk is both an attacker and a defender in separate engagements. Could anyone help me please?
Embattled disk
The embattled disk definitely causes damage as a defender and, if it survives the first engagemet, as an attacker as well. This is in the core of Diskwars. No question about it.
I agree with Bright Wizard. The example on page 20 did not say explicitly - but the River Troll would deal his attack damage to Teclis, and if it was enough (not sure what Teclis toughness is or what the attack value of the River Troll is) then Teclis would take a wound (but Teclis would still stay on the board due to his extra stamina). Also, it loooks like the River Troll has a value of '1' stamina also, so he would also stay on the board after the engagement (with a wound token on him).
Edited by fionn5fionn5 and Bright Wizard are correct. The example on page 20 is not complete and should be corrected.
Scrums are made up of multiple Engagements.
Page 20 - Scrums
...players must resolve all engagements where an embattled disk is defending before the engagements where an embattled disk is attacking...
Page 18 - Engagements
A disk must deal its melee damage, if able; it cannot choose to refrain from an engagement.
To correct the example, the Troll would do damage to Teclis causing a Wound Token on him. He has a Toughness 4 and Stamina 1, against River Troll attack of 5. The Troll would also have a Wound Token on him from Teclis's damage being added to the damage previously dealt by the Spearmen Counter Strength.
Sorry if I am just regurgitating what was already said, but I wanted to add the references from the rule book for others to see.
This, to me, was the most confusing thing in the rules. Basically because they didn't mention the Troll doing the damage to Teclic in the example. If FFG does future printings, hopefully this will be changed to clarify.
Agreed, this was the most confusing thing to me too. Good (I guess) to know there were some serious typos in the manual.
Also, just to clarify, after the first engagement was resolved (because there was a scrum), then the remaining engagement was treated as 1 massive engagement, correct?
The way the rules for identifying engagements are worded as saying something like "tracing a source to a single attacker OR defender" makes it sound like there were potentially 2 remaining engagements left in that picture. But it doesn't seem like that's the case from reading the example and everyone's comments here.
I thought each disk could only attack once? I don't have the rulebook with me so I'll have to check again.
I thought each disk could only attack once? I don't have the rulebook with me so I'll have to check again.
Can only Attack once yes, but an Embattled Disk is both Attacking and Defending so the Disk takes part in two seperate Engagements. One as the Attacker and one as the Defender.
If a Disk is Pinning two seperate Enemy Disks then it has to choose which one to Attack.
That's how I read it anyway
"Each disk can only deal melee damage to one enemy in an engagement. " page 9 bottem right hand side.
I read this is only being able to attack/strike once a round. I think I will send FFG a email to ask. In the scrum example in the rulebook the troll attacks the spearmen and is then unable to attack Teclis since he already attacked the spearmen and you can only attack one disk(unless you have frenzy or something).
I think I'm correct?
Edited by brimmstorm
But then I read that each pinning disk makes it's own engagement. I have no clue at this point
I don't know why in the example on page 20 the River Troll deals no damage to Teclis?
The embattled disk definitely causes damage as a defender and, if it survives the first engagemet, as an attacker as well. This is in the core of Diskwars. No question about it.
I agree with Bright Wizard. The example on page 20 did not say explicitly - but the River Troll would deal his attack damage to Teclis, and if it was enough (not sure what Teclis toughness is or what the attack value of the River Troll is) then Teclis would take a wound (but Teclis would still stay on the board due to his extra stamina). Also, it loooks like the River Troll has a value of '1' stamina also, so he would also stay on the board after the engagement (with a wound token on him).
@ brimmstorm. I still think that an Embattled Disk Damages both Disks as the rule states "Each disk can only deal melee damage to one enemy in an engagement".
As an Embattled Disk is involved in two (or more) seperate Engagements it can use both its Attack Strength and its Counter Strength in each Game Round multiple times but can only deal any Damage once per Engagement.
If there are multiple Disks envolved in an Engagement then each Disk must nominate where its Damage will be directed, if it has two (or more) options on where to direct its Damage.
The confusion seems to lie in two things.
a) The distinction between a Game Round and an Engagement.
b) The Example on pg.20, that seems to omit the factor that the River Troll should deal Damage to Teclis.
Hope this brings some clarity to the situation.
Edited by Thrasher