My success rate in beating Journey down the Anduin Nightmare is 100% correlated to whether or not this card comes out. I'd like to think that I can handle it dropping late in the game, but in practice it just wrecks me. A true nightmare card.
Gladden Marshlands
Tonight I got wrecked by Devilry of the Dark Land in Dead Marshes Nightmare...
Facing the final escape test with 9 will against 3 cards. Escape values 2, 3, and ... 10! TEN?! That's a back breaker right there.
Ugh, I remember playing through JdtA Nightmare time after time after time. That quest still kind of takes me to the cleaners. Between horrible luck with surges when you reveal cards for the last stage, or like you're saying, having something stupid happen very late game like two Gladden Marshlands pop up. In my opinion this is easily one of the top 3 hardest quests in the game, you're just always on the brink of losing in a horrific manner.