New GM

By Kaic, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I picked up the Player's Guide/Vault, GM's Guide/Vault, and Creature's Guid/Vault as well as an extra set of dice from Black Friday. I'm about to run a one shot game of Warhammer Fantasy to gauge interest in my gaming group and was wondering if there are any tips for a new GM (idea, commonly missed/incorrect rules, faq post, etc). Another thing that should be mentioned is there are only two of us in the group that are familiar with the Warhammer Universe (though we did recently start a Dark Heresy campaign).

More than likely the only set of dice for this game that we will have is the one from the GM Vault and the extra set I bought. Do you think that 2 sets will be enough for 6 people (1 GM 5 Players) for a game, or should I look at getting more?

I'm really looking forward to trying this game, just from reading the rules it looks awesome! I also really love the Warhammer universe.

You will be sorely lacking in dice. You would want one set for each player (minimum). In the meantime, you can use the online dice app.

Off the top of my head, here are some tips (random order):

  • "Exhaustible talents" have a recharge of 4
  • Print out the "Living Index"
  • Print out a list of maneuvers for each player
  • You are missing a bunch of careers from the Adventurer's toolkit that don't come in the Player's Vault. Lucky for you, you have the Players Guide :)
  • SKILL USE: Skill use uses PERFORM STUNT ACTION unless it is just a passive check (such as noticing something without searching). The GM can rule that it is a MANEUVER in some cases (See your GUIDES on this and know how it works).
  • Mark the pages for Fear, Healing, Insanity. YOu will reference them all the time.
  • Familiarity with the universe doesn't matter as setting up expectations with your players. If they want fluffy bunnies and unicorns and 'balanced encounters that they can always beat' like in D&D, they're not going to find it. Sometimes you have to run away. You're not getting x.p. for being murder-hobo's, so best to work through the storyline than try to solve everything with a gun. Also, players NEED to pay attention. Tracking fatigue, stress, Action recharge, socketing talents and tracking wounds and critical wounds requires players to LIFT A FINGER and pay attention.

I recommend the following:

Download this: and print out the pregenerated characters

Download and run the demo: day late shilling short

For ease of play:

* Write TOTAL SOAK (TOUGHNESS + ARMOR) next to your soak and TOTAL DAMAGE next to your weapon (STR + DR for that weapon)

Print out the BASIC ACTION SHEET (FFG downloads) and put it out for players instead of the individual cards.

Write your talent sockets and career abilities on your player sheet and put away the career sheet and career card. In fact, you could use the Rules-Lite character sheet and write everythign down (except for your special actions) and ditch all the clutter on the table. Some people like the counters and cards, some people just use paper. Let your players do whatever they want.

* Get feedback from your players


p.s. After you learn the game, I suggest you dump talent socketing (make them constant), dump the party punishment meter (use the rest of the party sheet), dump defense recharge (make it a constant 1 or 2 black die bonus). They were innovative ideas that are really just dumb accounting things once you step back and look at them. You can see more in my house rulebook in my Signature below.

Thanks for the response! I'll definitely keep these things in mind as I get ready for the game. They're used to unbalanced encounters with me (I did this even with D&D) so I doubt that will be an issue.

Which scenario are you running first? Eye for an Eye or the Demo scenario download?


  • "Exhaustible talents" have a recharge of 4

Where was this rule introduced? (Yet another thing my gaming group is getting wrong ... /sigh)

I haven't taken a look at either one yet (I posted this shortly after finishing reading the Player's guide and GM's Guide). Is there one that you would recommend?

  • "Exhaustible talents" have a recharge of 4

Where was this rule introduced? (Yet another thing my gaming group is getting wrong ... /sigh)

I believe that rule is listed in the TALENTS section somewhere, but a search of the PDF of any of the Core book or Players guide should find it too.


Edited by Emirikol

I haven't taken a look at either one yet (I posted this shortly after finishing reading the Player's guide and GM's Guide). Is there one that you would recommend?

Suggested intro scenarios:

Day Late, Shilling Short

The Gathering Storm with the addition of Winds of Change (from Winds of Magic) in Stromdorf as an added side-quest or in Ubersreik during Edge of Night.

Eye For an Eye


Edge of Night

Revenant (In Liber Fanatica)


restart campaign: The Enemy Within

I'll take a look at those scenarios and see which one I like the best.

back when i started none of our group had any idea about the warhammer universe. we played with 4 players and one set of dice in the beginning. it is doable.

i ran eye for an eye as the first ever scenario. good and bad idea.

eye for an eye is a very nice scenario which can take up to 3 sessions to completem depending on how long ýou play.

the setting is pretty open so all you really need to explain that there is somthing called chaos and that there are cults worshipping it, which is, of course, illegal.

my group had mad fun trying to find out about the cult, it looks obvious at first but with all the nicely written characters people start getting suspicious of anyone in the villa.

there comes the "bad" idea. this scenario made my group hypersceptical to any NPC i would introduce later on, always thinking everybody was evil or even a cultist. they have it to this day, almost 4 years into playing!

but i heavily suggest you run eye for an eye at some point, it is worth it!

in this forum there are also some clue cards and a whole topic dedicated to building and solving the mystery of gruenewald lodge, i never used them (we played eye for an eye 5 times up until now) but i think for a new group they might come in very handy!

I have a few questions about WFRPI hope you can answer. (and some will be relevant for the original poster)

#1 As a priest you need to "curry favor" and then "cast blessing" and that goes in 1 round. can you then use attack action after? (doubt it but I need to be 100%)

No, I can't. the link that was provided by the black sheep explained some of it.

#2 Action card example: "Find Weakness" is a support type, do I get to attack after or do I only do that cards effect?

#3 Someone mentioned you can block, parry and dodge at the same time, can you?

#4 Is online RP (through Skype or something with strangers) a thing? and where can I find people for it?

I have an RP group but they want to go with more World of Darkness and im so tired of it and I really want Warhammer fantasy.

Thanks for any replies :)

Edited by wakeley

Answers to your questions, Wakeley:

#1: No, casting a spell or blessing uses your action for the turn. Priests can "Curry Favour" the same turn they cast a blessing. Wizards can "Channel Power" the same turn they cast a spell, but only by using the "Quick Cast" card. Regardless of whether or not they curry favour or channel power, the spell or blessing they cast uses up their one action for the turn (unless that spell or blessing is a "reaction" card, as explained in #2 below.).

#2: The "Support" trait has no bearing on whether or not the card uses up your action. In general, your action card always uses up your action. The only action cards that don't use up your 1 and only action for the turn would be cards that say "reaction" or "active defense" (or the aforementioned curry favour and channel power/quickcast for priests and wizards). Officially, it's not the traits ("reaction" or "active defense") that give the ability to use it out-of-turn and/or without using up your turn. Technically it's the other text instructions on the cards that let you use it outside of the normal rules, but in practice you can do it with any card that says "reaction" or "active defense" on the trait line. These cards also have a different shape of icon in the upper left corner. Compare "Find Weakness" (which uses your action) to "Dodge" (which doesn't) and you'll see the difference -- Dodge's icon is shaped like a shield, but Find Weakness just has the normal circle.

#3: You can use any and all valid Active Defense cards you have on any given attack. Doing so puts recharge counters on the card, and you can't re-use a card that currently/already has recharge counters on it. As a further limit, regardless of the recharge counters, you NEVER use the same card twice (or more) on a single action.

#4: It's a thing. I think there's a thread for it around here somewhere. Search the forums?

Thank you for your answers. I will search the forums :) .