Weather Hills

By Migwald, in Rules questions & answers

In the Knife in the Dark quest the location card 'Weather Hills' has the text :After the players travel here place 1 non-unique enemy in play face down under this location, it is out of play.

If the enemy has been wounded do the wounds stay with the face down card?

Also, After this location leaves play, return each enemy under it to the staging area face up.

This reads like there could be more than one enemy under the location. Is this possible?

Thanks folks

I think: with trhor's map, you can travel some times. First, normal travel, and after, you use thror's map to change location. So you can facedown under it several enemies. ;) .

Now, i think: if you chose the nazguls to face down them..., are they also considered out of play? Yes! Can you win the quest with nazgul facedown in Weather Hills? It seems good

Edited by Mndela

You would have to remove the wounds from the card, and it then goes out of play (so yeah, it can help you get Nazguls out of play for the victory condition). And as Mndela mentioned, you have the potential to travel there multiple times over successive rounds via card effects like West Road Traveler and Thror's Map.

Thanks for the clarification folks