Talisman getting some love, but what about Relic?

By guillaumetexas, in Relic

Well, 2 expansions for Talisman in 48hrs... Whoa.

I really like the idea of the small expansion: a couple of cards and a few ending scenariors. No new characters or anything. Simple, print on demand...

Please please FFG, give a PoD expansion for Relic. Surely, with the vastness of the 40K universe, it can't be hard.

I hope the first quarter of 2014 will answer many questions :P

My wishlist from FFG:

1- Runebound 3rd edition

2- Relic expansion

3- DungeonQuest expansion

4- Eldritch Horror expansion

5- Runewars faction expansion (dwarves please!)

6- Merchant of Venus expansion

7- Horus Heresy revised edition!??!?

8- A new LCG??!??!?

Edited by SolennelBern

Let me add one more here:

8 - Dungeonquest expansion

Let me add one more here:

8 - Dungeonquest expansion

**** can't forgive myself that I forgot DungeonQuest, great point!

I would easily be #3 in my list!

You can bet on on an Eldritch Horror expansion. Probably a whole factory line of them.

I hope the first quarter of 2014 will answer many questions :P

My wishlist from FFG:

1- Runebound 3rd edition

2- Relic expansion

3- DungeonQuest expansion

4- Eldritch Horror expansion

5- Runewars faction expansion (dwarves please!)

6- Merchant of Venus expansion

7- Horus Heresy revised edition!??!?

8- A new LCG??!??!?

Why the hell is Runewars, which already has an expansion, even on the list? How about we first get expansions for awesome games that don't even have one, like Gears of War and Middle-Earth Quest. If GoW and MEQ got an expansion, wouldn't even care if no other game I own didn't get expanded in 2014. Sadly, odds of either of those games getting an expansion is between nil and zero, while Civilization already has 2, Runewars and Chaos in the Old World each have one. DQ expansion is a distant third for me.

Wow, angry much dude?

Why the hell do your post even start with "Why the hell..."!??!!?

Those are simply my personal wishes, that certainly won't fit with some forumers here and are based on a personal opinion. If you can't live with that, GTFO...seriously.

I never got so angry ready a post from someone and yours make me want to burn GoW and MEQ while looking at you in the eye... :lol:

Edited by SolennelBern

I am angry, because horrid (forum would asterisk the words I would normally use to describe Runewars, Civilization and Chaos in the Old World) games get expanded while great to awesome games get shafted.

...okay, so in the spirit of christmas, shall we all ask for world peace, FFG forum peace and a wee expansion for Relic. After all, that's why we are on this section of the forum for.

In fact, I have been playing with some new endings and I'll try to upload them in the coming week.

Eldritch Horror is still new and we still haven't beaten the base game, nor are close to exploring it fully, so that can wait.

Wiz War is getting an expansion which is great.

But there are two games for which I will buy expansions on sight- Relic and Elder Sign.

I can understand your frustration but like any other companies that are out there to sell stuff, they'll continue (unfortunately) to give expansions mostly yo their best selling titles first.

IMO, BattleLore 2nd edition was not necessary and an expansion for an already would have been so much cooler but hey, we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Sorry for my harsh reply and merry christams and a great new year to all of you! :)

I am angry, because horrid (forum would asterisk the words I would normally use to describe Runewars, Civilization and Chaos in the Old World) games get expanded while great to awesome games get shafted.

IMHO Chaos in The Old World is the best game FFG has released thus far. However after the Horned Rat Expansion I don't see any further expansions required.

Back to topic of Relic, I reckon they will release a chaos player character expansion. It will be interesting if they follow the path of Relic and add expanded boards. My only problem is that the game goes for too long. I house rule two free levels when starting and even then it can go for a while. Expansions will only lengthen it even more!

I house rule that you roll 2D6 and choose your movement out of the two. This way you achieve your missions a lot more quickly and it means you are more likely to use power cards for their effects or their number for combat rolls rather than using them when you REALLY need to land on a particular board space. All together, we found it speeds up the game where with 4 players, a game is done in 2hrs from set up to finish.

I have been thinking about reducing the trophy level from 6 to 5 to go up a character level, but now many of us are "veteran" players and we can try to strategize our movement and combat to level up more quickly than just by random chance. Still, I may try it to see how it plays.