Seeing as there seemed to be some confusion about the table talk rules but no-one in a particular hurry to get it clarified, I sent a rules querry to FFG:
The question
This is a few questions pertaining the table talk rules from p. 25 in the Core Rulebook:
While the rules state that "Players can discuss anything they would like, but they cannot name or read out loud directly from cards in their hand, or from cards that they have seen but the rest of the players have not" does that also entail that players are not allowed to simply show their entire hand to their co-players?
Going further along those lines, is two-handed play (a game where one player controls two different decks and plays the game as though it is two-player) allowed as a play style or is it in violation of the table talk rules (or another rule)?
The answer
You cannot just show other players the cards that are in your hand.
While playing two-handed can be a fun variant for solo players, it is not a format that is officially supported by FFG and therefore there are no official rules for it.