What OW Supplements would you like to see?

By Radwraith, in Only War

Stop calling magazines "clips".

Oh man, I agree. I have played 40 rpgs since Dark Heresy first came out and I still cringe on the inside every time every time I see that word used the wrong way, which they always do.

Some kind of gazeteer containing planets along with campaign-ideas would be great, like Edge of the Abyss for Rogue Trader. The things I want are like.. how is it to liberate a world that has been occupied by chaos for an extended period? How about some ideas for running a great campaign based on taking a hive-city? Just small stuff to give the creativity a boost, Edge of the Abyss did this almost perfectly.

I kind of feel like a simpleton for saying so, but I would love some more medals and stuff in that department!

-Adding to venkelos ' call for a comprehensive Critters book, I'd really like to see some Chaos-corrupted aliens. The Gaunt's Ghosts novel Traitor General had glimpses of several Chaos-xenos; this seems like ripe territory to explore in WH40KRP .

Another call for vehicle stuff here. Although I suppose Only War can get away with handwaving the aircraft somewhat - a Valkyrie landing troops somewhere could end up a bit like the helicopters doing the same in most modern FPS games, where it's basically a piece of moving scenery, while all you'd need for a gun run from a Vendetta providing CAS* would be an arbitrary BS for the attacks and the Vendetta's armament (which you can get off Lexicanum or the like). I'll be honest; I just want some Valkyrie stats to port over into Rogue Trader. :P

Other than that; I would like to see a trilogy adventure like what someone else mentioned upthread, let the players see a whole planetary invasion. Some more abhuman types would be interesting too; make things a bit tense when dealing with more puritanical regiments, like the Maccabean Jannissaries.

Really though, what I'd like to see is a book where new gear, talents and gameplay mechanics in general are a secondary thing and that's just full of tips and tricks for the GM. More details about the Guard, suggestions on how to run or use the various hostile forces, mission ideas, etc. Hell; the last bit there they could probably crib notes from some of ShackTac 's ARMA 2 missions.

I'm uncertain about the Tau thing. Tau are kind of contradictory.

On one hand, they have a strong presence in written material -- since they have a codex, and so of course they have players who want to read about them and so they get written about a lot and show up all over the place.

On the other hand, there are dozens (more?) of alien empires, and human empires for that matter, that are on the same approximate level as the Tau but don't have a codex and a miniatures line and so don't get written about :) .

I would prefer something on Hrud, those Space Vampire thingies, the Umbra, or just one of many xenos that have never been mentioned or barely mentioned. I think DH and RT were good with this in inventing the Yu'vath and Slaught and Rak-Gol and so on.

I'll be honest; I just want some Valkyrie stats to port over into Rogue Trader. :P

There's a Skytalon Valkyrie in Citadel of skulls. It should be possible to re-arm it and have a standard Valk for RT.

We might want to have a look at the armour values before porting it into OW though ;)

The clip/mag things bothers me, but i can live with it. I agree on more vehicles and more critters/xenos too.

Though for crap's sake can we get the damned Stormtrooper advanced specialties? getting +5% for the last 15k exp is nice and all, but I'd like some different atptitudes one day.

I'll be honest; I just want some Valkyrie stats to port over into Rogue Trader. :P

There's a Skytalon Valkyrie in Citadel of skulls. It should be possible to re-arm it and have a standard Valk for RT.

We might want to have a look at the armour values before porting it into OW though ;)

Yeah, I'm not enough of a number-cruncher to see what the Skytalon's armour can stand up to. Half-tempted to find its tabletop stats from whatever Forge World book it's in and compare those to the normal Valkyrie's armour stats in the IG codex to get a rough idea of the difference between the two. Problem is, that requires either buying a whole, expensive book for just one small set of numbers or... obtaining it through means I believe the forums frown on discussing.

EDIT: And I forgot to add what CAS stood for in my last post for those who hadn't heard the term. Stands for Close Air Support.

Edited by ShadowFighter88

The Sky Talon has 1 more point of armour for the front and sides than the Valkyrie/Vulture Gunships.

The multiplier converting from 40K to the RPG seems to be Armour x 2.5, with a boost for the tanks by rounding up. 25-26 points for the front and sides of a Valkyrie or Vulture seems to be right.

Would love to see a Tranch War/Occupation Code campaign book.

Would love to see a Tranch War/Occupation Code campaign book.

Actually yeah, campaign books for a few campaigns other than the periphery might be a really cool (and fairly easy to write) choice. I can see that taking off.

1. Big book of: gunz and equipment

2. Big book of: Vehicles, Ships and All that

3. Big book of: Space, planet info, travel exc. Random planet generator

& finaly:

4. character creation & management software

I'd quite like to see more types of enemys I know we can't have tau because they are on opposite side of galaxy and would never be able to travel that far but other races.( eldar etc.) Also I'd like to see some stuff on trenches and maybe some ship boarding e.g. investigating an adrift ships or enemy ship. Plus more information on how things work at base, logistics and supply runs for maybe supply escort missions. Anyone think this would be good?

An adventure in wich the players have to defend a command Leviathan,

(with all the stats and floorplans for said Leviathan)

not only from conventional enemy ground forces but also from infiltrators/saboteurs/assassins. Maybe with a twist that the ommanding officer has become corrupted and is about to turn the leviathan against his own troops. (a leviathan has LOTS of guns and voidshields!)

More info about the schola progenium/storm troopers- stormtrooper regiments, etc.

We've gotten most of the famous guard regiments, but there is still room for the Praetorian XXIV, Kanak skull takers, Necromundan 8th "the spiders" and the Arkhan Confederates (Yeee-haaa! civil war confederacy based imperial guard!)

Some new equipment doctorines that don't cost 4 points to have your primitive guardsmen swap their lasguns for a pointed stick! Grenadier regiments that begin with a lasgun with grenade launcher, not just said grenade launcher, and a few more fixes from the other books.

I guess its to much to ask to be allowed to play beastman abhumans/ conscripted hive mutants?

I was thinking about the ability to play adeptus munitorum personel, but this will only lead to some unfortunate guardsman getting executed twice: once for cowardism by the commisar, and once for leaving his lasgun behind by the logistics officer.

Edited by Robin Graves