Apparently nothing.
Been collecting and reading the latest Star Wars comic from Dark Horse dealing with the big three following the battle and Yavin and to say #12 was a let down was seriously understating it.
They had a new main villain, they had a new squadron and Han meeting a new friend.
And then they revealed their new foe who had displaced Darth Vader aboard that Star Destroyer was a relation of Mon Mothma
and a Rebel Agent under deep cover!
Gods they could have used the new characters in their own series using Han's new friend as their main pilot and a ship to base their operations with.
The new nemesis could become their new adversary after all somehow Leia was being tracked and what perfect time to introduce Winter so they can lead him away whilst Leia searches for a new base for the Rebellion... all for nothing.
Sorry but this leads me to my question, what is COMPNOR good for?
How do you handle this part of the Empire's means of inspiring loyalty in its people?