i was wondering what people are doing to store the game with all the expansions, including the PoD ones etc. I want to get something that will hold everything all in one spot.
Storage Solution
It's very difficult to find something that will hold EVERYTHING in 1 place, as you've got to have room for those big, bulky monsters. Personally, since I have all expansions, I keep all the game tiles, investigator figurines, manuals, and PoD setup cards in the base game box; all the monster figures in the Call of the Wild box, and then I use this container (or something very close to it) to store all the game cards, and a tacklebox that I got at Walmart to store all the game tokens and chits.
Edited by Musha ShukouWhat I've done is: all the player items (the game board, since they do set up) the health tokens, the skill points, and the players (which I have all divided out into little ziplock baggies) are in the main box. I have all the monsters in my forbidden alchemy box. And then I have a tackle box with all the things I need to deal with as keeper. Top layer has all the cards and chits, the bottom layer has all the game scenarios (in baggies). It's been working pretty well so far.
I'm hoping for a big box version. And when I say big box, I mean "I want the base game and all the expansions in one box" type of big box!
I made this the day before we played our very first game (which was yesterday) and it helped me immensely as a keeper. No trouble finding cards or tokens, and packing up afterwards was also very easy.
There is a Universal Box from e-Raptor company, it fits for almost every games
My storage made from foam core :
Edited by Pikaraph
There's room enough to store the 16 investigators and all the merged cards from the 2 expansions into the base game.
Specific cards, tiles and monsters for the 2 expansions are put aside in the Call of the Wild box.
@Pikaraph: Nice work. If you don't mind my asking, how'd you construct the card boxes?