now before you all go and tell me that FFG already did this by releasing rules for making Ork Freebooters, Kommandos, Mekboyz and Wierdboyz, Hear me out.
well before Into the Storm came out, a buddy of mine who was an Ork TT player discussed the idea of an Ork version of Rogue Trader. i never really thought much of it at the time, and thought even less when i saw that Into the Storm did essentially exactly that.
Then i started playing the Ork Campaign on DoWII: Retribution, and I realized how badass Ork Freebooterz can actually be. so I did a preliminary scan of Into the storm and realized that Orks As Written are more for being individual mercenaries working for a rogue trader than good for full Ork Games, so I'v decided to come to you guys for help on making a supplement for RT meant for playing all ork Campaigns.
as it stands, the only things i've actually sat down and done is decided which classes i'm going to port over and try to make into Orky Equivalents, and Orky Names for different Hulls.
- Kaptin: Rogue Trader
- Ded 'Ard Nob: Ork Freebooter (replaces Archmilitant)
- Weirdboy: as Weirdboy from the Rogue Trader Supplement (cant think of the name right now)
- Big Mek: combination of advanced class from Into the Storm and the Explorator career
- Kommando Nob: gonna have to write this one from scratch. replaces Missionary, because who the hell needs organized religion when you're an Ork?
- Paindoc: replaces Navigator, gonna have to write this one from scratch
- Krooza driva: Void Master
Hull titles:
- Transport: Lootboat
- Raider: Dakkaboat
- Frigate: Extra Dakkaboat
- Light Cruiser: Puny Krooza
- Cruiser: Krooza
- Battle Cruiser: 'Ard Krooza
- Grand Cruiser: Ded 'Ard Krooza
any ideas you guys have for modifying the existing rules for an all orks game, please let me know. I'll try and put together a Google Doc with a running list of rules for everything from Expanded Character creation for Orks, to career write ups, to individual hull classes and anything else we can think of. thanks in advance